1 and 2 are Rewind and Fast Forward so they're different. What you can use is 
Shuttle mode. On HD systems it's a little different so I might not recall 
exactly but I think it's Control and numpad 5. This will create an insertion 
point and shuttle through a track at normal speed. 6 is faster, 7 still faster, 
etc. and 4 is slower, 3 is slower still, etc. Pressing the minus button on the 
num pad will reverse the direction.

I find the shuttle mode in LE somewhat useful but HD has a much better system.


On Jul 19, 2010, at 2:52 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> cool... Question though, does 1 and 2 on the number pad count as scrubbing or 
> just using the scrub wheel on the control surface?
> GF
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> Hey Clarence,
>> Well, first thing you'll need to do is check the preference for "Insertion 
>> Follows Scrub" in the Preferences. Now, when you scrub the track, the 
>> insertion point will be exactly where you scrubbed and you can split regions 
>> with Command-e. Once you've split stuff, you can select the region and 
>> delete or whatever. The keyboard shortcut pdf has tons of commands for 
>> editing.
>> This is definitely a subject that could benefit from an audio demonstration. 
>> I did one for the short-lived MIDIMag podcast that Kevin hosted a few years 
>> ago. The exact same principles apply as it relates to the keyboard commands 
>> and process, I should do a new one, though. It's just finding the time to 
>> sit down and do it. My schedule for the next 2 months is absolutely insane. 
>> Somehow, i'll have to make the time.
>> Slau
>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 11:40 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>> that all makes sense. Thanks. I use the default mode. That's how sonar 
>>> behaves, and I didn't want to change it up. I think sound forge works that 
>>> way as well.
>>> I am really getting the hang of this editing thing. I wish there was a way 
>>> to really get close up editing though. I can kind of get close, but for 
>>> looping and what not, how can I nudge the selection points? is that 
>>> possible?
>>> What do you suggest for something like really fine editing?
>>> GF
>>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>>>> Hey Clarence,
>>>> Control-Space Bar actually puts the transport into a Pause with Pre-Prime 
>>>> for instant playback. This is what that means:
>>>> If you have a large session, say, 24 tracks record enabled or even on an 
>>>> LE system, say, 16 tracks ready to record in QuickPunch mode, the system 
>>>> is going to allocate drive space, prepare voices, automation data (if 
>>>> there is any) and a few other things. If you simply start the recording or 
>>>> even playback, there will be a pause before the transport engages. This 
>>>> can vary from a second to several seconds if it's a particularly large 
>>>> session. In order to have a more immediate start to playback, it's 
>>>> possible to pre-prime the deck, as they say, for instant playback or 
>>>> recording. Pressing Control-Space Bar puts Pro Tools into this Pause mode. 
>>>> Simply pressing the Space Bar after that instantly starts playback. 
>>>> Further, Control-Command-Space Bar puts PT into Pre-Primed Record mode so 
>>>> pressing Space Bar after that instantly puts the Transport into record 
>>>> mode.
>>>> Pausing the transport, the way most people think of pausing something, is 
>>>> a bit different. Pro Tools has two main behaviors: 1. Is for the transport 
>>>> to remember the start position and, if the transport is stopped, it will 
>>>> keep resuming playback from the same start position unless that start 
>>>> position is specifically changed, and 2. Insertion following Playback 
>>>> which means that wherever you press the space bar, the transport will keep 
>>>> the insertion point there and, upon pressing space bar again, will 
>>>> continue playing from that location.
>>>> I would strongly suggest using the default method which is for the 
>>>> insertion point to not follow playback. Here's the reason. When you make a 
>>>> selection, pressing the space bar will play only the selected range. No 
>>>> matter how many times you press play, it'll only play the selected range. 
>>>> This is a good means to verify your selection range quickly without even 
>>>> having to look at the start, End and Length fields in the edit window. 
>>>> From there, one can cut, copy paste, etc. Now, if the insertion point 
>>>> follows playback, as soon as you play the selection, the selection is 
>>>> actually lost. It's very obvious to a sighted user but it can be confusing 
>>>> to a blind user.
>>>> Here are two things one can do for alternatives:
>>>> 1. If you really want to get into that other mode where it just pauses 
>>>> when you hit the space bar, pressing Control-n toggles this playback mode 
>>>> and the preference is also in the Setups>Preferences dialog and is called 
>>>> "Insertion Follows Playback."
>>>> 2. If the transport is engaged, and you find a spot you want to start 
>>>> playback from, simply pressing the down arrow will automatically populate 
>>>> the start field with the current transport value. In other words, if, 
>>>> while the transport is engaged, you press the down arrow at the 2 minute 
>>>> mark, the start field will now say "2:00:000" and if you press space bar, 
>>>> the transport will stop but, upon playback, will now start from the 2 
>>>> minute mark.
>>>> Hopefully, that makes sense. Let me know if there's something that isn't 
>>>> clear.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Slau
>>>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 1:23 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>>>> I thought control + Space was to pause my project? Its not working. Is 
>>>>> there something I have to turn on in setup or something? I looked all 
>>>>> over, and didn't find anything.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> GF

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