I think you're confusing a selection in the timeline with a selection of 
tracks. The two are different. A track selection is used for stuff like making 
a track inactive, deleting, showing or hiding, etc. A selection within a track 
or multiple tracks has to do with a start and end time along with an insertion 

In previous versions of Pro Tools, the insertion cursor had nothing to do with 
which tracks were "selected." One could perform an action like "Hide selected 
tracks" or "Make selected tracks inactive" while an insertion cursor was 
located in an unrelated track. Now, it's possible, within the preferences, to 
have the insertion cursor determine which track is currently "selected" but, 
again, that kind of selection has to do with the ability to do things like 
deleting the track itself, making it active or inactive to free up voices, 
performing global actions to that track along with other selected tracks while 
making a selection within a track differs in that it has to do with a start and 
end point.

Hope that makes it a bit clearer.


On Jul 19, 2010, at 2:43 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> thanks, that's wassup... I tried the plus / minus by its self, and it does 
> move the counter/play head, but how do I make sure nothing is selected? there 
> always seams to be something selected...
> GF
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>> Hey GF. With a keyboard with the numeric keypad, use option shift plus or 
>> minus to expand and contract the left edge of the selection, and shift 
>> command plus or minus to expand/contract the right half of the selection. 
>> Use option command plus minus to increase or decrease the nudge value. You 
>> can get it down to 64 ticks. When no data is selected, simply use plus or 
>> minus to move the play head by the nudge amount. Once you have it where you 
>> want it, then you can use down and up arrows to make your selection. If you 
>> want to nudge your selected of audio, hit command E  to make a new region 
>> out of the selected content.  hit plus or minus on their own to nudge the 
>> whole region. Hope this helps a bit.
>> Reeves

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