What? I have such a reputation? LOL
I'm all for bipartisan relations in the DAW world. Hey, whatever works. No 
system is everything to everyone.

I was dubbed "badass" by a few people at the convention but for something 
totally different which is way off topic here so don't even get me started. ;)


On Jul 21, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

> Sneak with caution, and don't make any sudden movements, Slau is 90
> percent ninja. I haven't seen it firsthand, but rumour has it he's
> capable of destroying any Sonar system with a single left-handed chop.
> Apparently that was the plan for ACB, but health and safety came down
> pretty hard, so we got a Pro Tools workshop instead.
> Hey ho, back to work...
> Scott
> On 7/21/10, clarence griffin <goldfin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> no complaints there brother.
>> I am blessed too. I was just saying, one day I will have the bog dog system.
>> smile. I would love to get my hands on an HD system to see how its
>> different. Maybe I will go to NY and sneak up on Slau. lol
>> GF
>> On Jul 21, 2010, at 8:13 AM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>>> GOD wants to Bless His kids!
>>> So I will Keep given and receiving!
>>> Talk soon
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:01 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>>> must be nice. lol.
>>>> GF
>>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:50 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>> I just wanted to mention while were on the topic of Hardware "A/D for
>>>>> PT.
>>>>> that I just installed a "Lynx Aurora 16
>>>>> " along with  a hd3 system and so far very cool.
>>>>> 16 analogue I/O and 16 Aes-ebu "digital"I/o and it worked with PT out of
>>>>> its box! LOL
>>>>> Just wanted to say there is a alternative to the digi 192 out there for
>>>>> about $3K!
>>>>> here is a link to check it out
>>>>> http://www.lynxstudio.com/product_detail.asp?i=1
>>>>> Talk soon
>>>>> Chuck Reichel
>>>>> 954-742-0019
>>>>> www.SoundPictureRecording.com
>>>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>>>>>> Cool Thansk for the info hay you sed something about you use a 24
>>>>>> chanil interface you wouldn't know wich one this whas by?
>>>>>> On 2010-07-18, at 10:18 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't use a Mac Book Pro in the studio. That's just my laptop. That
>>>>>>> said, it has an Express 34 slot so I can hook it up to a Magma
>>>>>>> expansion chassis which houses the HD PCI cards if I need a portable
>>>>>>> solution for remote sessions. I'm preparing to buy a Mac Pro.
>>>>>>> Currently, the HD system is running off a dual processor G4.
>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 10:40 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Slau I have a ? for you you use a macbook pro in your studio is
>>>>>>>> that right?  Will if it is I was kerius what hardware you used to
>>>>>>>> make pro tools Hd work.
>>>>>>>> On 2010-07-17, at 4:40 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ah, right. Well, I'm sure that Bryan will get the file from Patrick
>>>>>>>>> soon and will post it as soon as he has an opportunity.
>>>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>>>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks verry much and I understand what you mean about that.  I'm
>>>>>>>>>> just kerius how things work with vo so that is why I was intersted
>>>>>>>>>> in the demo.
>>>>>>>>>> On 2010-07-17, at 3:16 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure when that might be posted but, keep in mind, it's not
>>>>>>>>>>> a tutorial but more of an overview of what kind of accessibility
>>>>>>>>>>> there is in the new version.
>>>>>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hay ? for you you wouldn't know when the pro tools demo from acb
>>>>>>>>>>>> file that was recorded will be posted do you?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2010-07-17, at 1:17 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Clarence,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Control-Space Bar actually puts the transport into a Pause with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pre-Prime for instant playback. This is what that means:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have a large session, say, 24 tracks record enabled or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> even on an LE system, say, 16 tracks ready to record in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> QuickPunch mode, the system is going to allocate drive space,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare voices, automation data (if there is any) and a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other things. If you simply start the recording or even
>>>>>>>>>>>>> playback, there will be a pause before the transport engages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This can vary from a second to several seconds if it's a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> particularly large session. In order to have a more immediate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> start to playback, it's possible to pre-prime the deck, as they
>>>>>>>>>>>>> say, for instant playback or recording. Pressing Control-Space
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bar puts Pro Tools into this Pause mode. Simply pressing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Space Bar after that instantly starts playback. Further,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Control-Command-Space Bar puts PT into Pre-Primed Record mode so
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressing Space Bar after that instantly puts the Transport into
>>>>>>>>>>>>> record mode.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pausing the transport, the way most people think of pausing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something, is a bit different. Pro Tools has two main behaviors:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Is for the transport to remember the start position and, if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the transport is stopped, it will keep resuming playback from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same start position unless that start position is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically changed, and 2. Insertion following Playback which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> means that wherever you press the space bar, the transport will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep the insertion point there and, upon pressing space bar
>>>>>>>>>>>>> again, will continue playing from that location.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would strongly suggest using the default method which is for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the insertion point to not follow playback. Here's the reason.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you make a selection, pressing the space bar will play only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the selected range. No matter how many times you press play,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it'll only play the selected range. This is a good means to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> verify your selection range quickly without even having to look
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the start, End and Length fields in the edit window. From
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there, one can cut, copy paste, etc. Now, if the insertion point
>>>>>>>>>>>>> follows playback, as soon as you play the selection, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> selection is actually lost. It's very obvious to a sighted user
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it can be confusing to a blind user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here are two things one can do for alternatives:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. If you really want to get into that other mode where it just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pauses when you hit the space bar, pressing Control-n toggles
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this playback mode and the preference is also in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Setups>Preferences dialog and is called "Insertion Follows
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Playback."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If the transport is engaged, and you find a spot you want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> start playback from, simply pressing the down arrow will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> automatically populate the start field with the current
>>>>>>>>>>>>> transport value. In other words, if, while the transport is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> engaged, you press the down arrow at the 2 minute mark, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> start field will now say "2:00:000" and if you press space bar,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the transport will stop but, upon playback, will now start from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the 2 minute mark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hopefully, that makes sense. Let me know if there's something
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that isn't clear.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 17, 2010, at 1:23 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought control + Space was to pause my project? Its not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working. Is there something I have to turn on in setup or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something? I looked all over, and didn't find anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GF
>>> Chuck Reichel
>>> 954-742-0019
>>> www.SoundPictureRecording.com

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