Hi Herman,

I load each plugin preset 1 at a time to make sure that specific plugin preset parameters are being displayed in the plug window before saving.. This insures accuracy in recalling the exact preset with its specific parameter differences..
Talk soon

On Nov 26, 2010, at 2:05 PM, Herman Fermin wrote:

Can you save all the pre-sets at once or do you have to go through each one by one and save one by one? On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Chuck Reichel <soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi Slau,
I just took a deeper look at my waves plugs.. Using the control 24 of corse..

It seems all necessary values and mode / behavior buttons are displayed in the PT plug window.. The Load and save are not visible as of yet Waves calls this the "WaveSystem toolbar" They are aware of this so I highly recommend that "EVERY BODY" email waves and let them know also..

In fader flip mode I was jumping back and forth between the inserts for the audio tracks with the dedicated EQ and comp… buttons and it seemed to be responding rather well.. The trick with Waves is to get some sighted assistance and bring up the presets for each plug say the Rcomp for instance.. Once the preset is loaded just save it with the PT plug save menu and it becomes available in the plugin presets pull down including the waves full re set which did in deed reset the rcomp to its factory preset state very cool! What I was impressed with today was that the behavior modes for the waves plugs were changeable with the C24 faders.. So all you half to do after getting the presets in to the menu is to sit there with the controller and document the fader # and buttons and what it is related to in the PT plug window.. What would be nice for VoiceOver is to have a mode to realtime report the changes to save time querying the value display..
Talk soon

On Nov 22, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

All plug-ins which have automate-able parameters are accessible in the sense that the parameters are visible to voiceOver as sliders. The odd exception apparently seems to be Waves at this time but I can't personally confirm the behavior. What will not be accessible are any menu buttons specific to the plug-in. For example, Waves has Load and Save buttons which are not visible because they're not automate-able. Most basic eQs and compressors don't use proprietary buttons.



On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Hi everyone

I am looking to get some other EQs comps and verbs. What are the accessible ones at this time? I've been mixing this little four track demo that I recorded on a zoom h4n a month ago and the drums are really harsh. I just put the h4n in front of the drum kit. I'm looking for a plugin that can help me smooth out some of the 4.5k crunch. If I use the four band that comes with pro tools to pull down that area and thicken the bottom iI find it gets really smiley really quick. I just want to soften the edge on the snare and the cymbals. Any ideas would be really appreciated.

Thanks much

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

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