First off kevin your typing is better than  mine onf a full keyboard.
Secondly  I have to agree, ditch the mixer, sell it,  return it if you
ar still in the stores return policy, or trade it in if the store
takes trade ins. Now where  I will have to disagree with kevin is on
the choice of inexpensive interface he recommended. I would suggest
the tascam US122 mkII. Its around  $100 and while in the same price
point, but i just find  the tascam stuff or even the E-Mu stuff to
have better mic pres and build quality  than the M-Audio stuff. In the
end though the point remains. Ditch the mixer you don't need it. Get
either a M-Audio Fas track or the Tascam US-122 or  similar  USB
interface and your problems will be solved. Oh and to choose your
soundcard in ProTools look under t the set up menu in the Playback
engine option. That one stumped me for a while when i first got PT as

On 9/29/11, Kevin Reeves <> wrote:
>> Hey Chris. Unfortunately, you won't really be able to do this the way you
>> want in a mannor that will get you the results you need. My suggestion is
>> a drastic one, but I'm sure that it will be echoed by the folks on this
>> list. Sell your yamaha and get an M Audio Fasttrack Pro or Ultra. The
>> money you get from your yamaha will be enough to get a used one. The most
>> important part of recording is the interface. I'm not sure why your music
>> store sold you a studio grade mic, but did not insist on you getting an
>> interface rather than a mixer. Or at least recommended a mixer that has
>> USB connectivity on it. They should all be fired. You're trying to use
>> less than consumer grade hardware for a task that it just can't perform.
>> The macbook soundcard is really only for monitoring, and in little bits.
>> You can get an interface with several inputs on it for about $150, which
>> would be set up in minutes. You could research how to use the Pro Tools
>> aggregate device, and try to get it to work, but the latency will be
>> horrible between 2 soundcards and it won't be worth the trouble. Ditch the
>> yamaha and go with an interface designed for this. I hate to give you the
>> bad news, but it really can't be done the way you're trying to do it.
>> Sorry man.
> Sorry for all the misspellings. I'm writing this on a greyhound bus with a
> bluetooth keyboard on an iPhone. I don't know how to spell check it. Anyway,
> good luck.
> Kevin

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