OK, first of all, download this mp3 I made in PT. I had to use Audio Hijack Pro to get it mixed to an mp3 till I find out what the heck my bouncing issue is, but anyway, again, here, get this first of all:


OK, yeah, yeah, don't chastise my vocals, I know they're r'real! bad. Probably God aweful! I didn't say I was totally warmed up. Anyway, notice the music track is very natural sounding. All I did's run some reverb on my two vocal tracks. the one doing the lead vocal, and the one doing the high shoo wop part, then also added auto-tune, and a little more reverb on the karaoke track, as frankly, in my book, it was way too dry originally. Maybe I over-did it, but anyway, the issue is if I turn the high up on my multi mix interface, I start clipping. If i turn the hi up and then either my fader or my trim down on the board, I'm too soft. If I back the hi off on the board as I did, as you can hear my vocals sound muffled. They dont/' have that clean brightness that I need. Yes, this is a studio grade condenser phantom-powered mike. So I'm not running cheap stuff here. I mean it isn't toppa the line, by any means, but it's not low end either at all.

I have the entire folder will all the session files. Would it help more if I send space you all that so you can actually see the project, and all my levels etc?

I just wonder how we can get the vocal a bit more bright and less muffled seeing the above issues. I'm kind a darned if I do, darned if I don't, catch 22.

Don't just fix it for me, I mean, you can, if you have the time and want to, but I need to learn how to do this, so don't tell me my vocals are off, I know that. More, what should I do to make this mix better? Be nice, be nice! LOL! I'm a beh bee, I'm still learning. LOL!


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