Plug it in, and ensure it's recognised by seeing if it appears in the
sound dialogue of System Preferences.

If it doesn't, make sure the drivers are installed properly.

When you've done that, set your device in the playback whatever it's
called option in the Setup menu of Pro Tools. When it is, go to the
periferals dialogue, and VO-space on the Input page of that box, press
command a (I think), and VO-space on the button that says Delete. Then
click the defaults button on that page, then do the same for the
Output tab.

If anyone else has experience with this, please chip in, because I'm
not 100% sure this is right.


On 30/03/2012, Jean-Philippe Rykiel <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I feel terribly stupid as this question has never been asked on this list,
> but how do I select my inputs and outputs in ProTools?
> Is my hardware audio device recognised automatically?
> I can't see anything about this on the manual except that it says that I
> should look in my audio devices manual.
> It's an RME, asio compatible, its driver is installed, and  it is already
> recognised by my Mac, but I have several inputs and outputs to choose from,
> plus I thought maybe I could use my Mac's internal soundcard for audio
> feedback in some situations.
> I bought ProTools as a download so I don't have a demo session to start
> fiddling, but what am I missing here?
> Thanks for your help,
> Cheers,

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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