As usual, excellent work mate, and thank you for all you're continuing to do to 
keep PT accessible.

As someone just diving into XCode, accessibility does seem to be slightly less 
self-explanitory than I thought, so fair play to the boys at Avid.

Anyways, the interface builder is a cruel mistress, and I've gotta go try make 
her play ball with me.

Good night, and I hope delayed flights were the only bad side affect of the 
high winds.

Have fun,

Take care,

Chris Norman.

On 10 Nov 2012, at 23:07, Slau Halatyn <> wrote:

> Forgive the delay but I wanted to update the list on my meeting with Avid. 
> I'll offer a more detailed explanation in a few days. For now, let me say 
> that the meeting went well and was well attended. Among the many changes at 
> Avid, there have been a few changes to key people in charge of Pro Tools. I 
> believe, in this case, it happens to work in our favor. Again, I'll explain 
> in more detail in a few days. For now, I'm waiting for a couple of things to 
> be coordinated before I go into detail about the meeting and what we might 
> expect in the near future.
> On a side note, I was scheduled to come back from san Francisco on Sunday, 
> October 28. Unfortunately, because of Hurricane Sandy, my flight was 
> cancelled and thus I was forced to stay in San Francisco an extra 4 days. 
> While there are worse places to be stuck, there are also cheaper places to be 
> stuck, for sure. I'd like to think it was money well spent. Anyway, I've been 
> playing catch-up since then. Things are getting back to normal so give me a 
> few more days and I'll share more.
> Best,
> Slau

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