There have been loads of posts on this very topic on the last 2 weeks or so. If 
you head over to the list's google group page, you'll probably find links to 
many of them in the recent threads thingy.


Take care,

Chris Norman.

On 25 Nov 2012, at 17:25, Robin Kipp <> wrote:

> Hello all!
> Well, I've now been thinking about getting Pro Tools for audio editing and 
> possibly producing as well. I do use Mac OS primarily for all of my 
> computer-related tasks, and would love to also use my Mac for audio editing. 
> However, before I take the plunge and purchase Pro Tools, I was wondering if 
> someone could tell me what the accessibility status is at the moment? I've 
> heard that currently there are some problems related to accessibility and 
> also Mac OS X Mountain Lion, and that Avid Audio said they'd look into those 
> issues in future releases, which is definitely great! So, I was wondering how 
> usable it really is at the moment... Could I just go and buy it whenever I 
> wanted and dive right into it, or would it be better to wait for an upgrade? 
> Also, are all the functions accessible using VO functionality and keyboard 
> commands / shortcuts, or would it be advisable to buy some kind of MIDI 
> interface in order to control certain things? Also, I was thinking of 
> connecting a MIDI keyboard and setting it up in pro tools so I could use that 
> to compose music. Is that currently possible using PT and VO, or are there 
> any issues related to these things?
> Sorry for all the questions... It's just that those things are pretty 
> important for me and I know this is probably the best place to ask! :-)
> Thanks for any advice!
> Robin

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