Anyone tried midi editing with Garage Band yet? I know it has great sounds and 
soft synths, and audio editing is doable, but as a strictly audio guy myself, 
no experience with midi, but imagine it could be didited in the same fashion 
audio would be. One of you midi guys should give it a shot and report back 
On Jan 15, 2013, at 6:30 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> Things are changing and moving forward with accessibility. It'll be a 
> long-term prospect but, since Avid has committed to making accessibility 
> improvements, they themselves suggested that this should apply across the 
> board, so that would include Sibelius. Don't hold your breath because, again, 
> it's a long-term. Still, it's encouraging.
> Cheers,
> Slau
> On Jan 15, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Thomas Böttcher wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm interested in recording soft synths and also recording some audio like 
>> my piano plus voice etc.
>> I'm currently using sonar and the caketalking scripts under windows, running 
>> bootcamp on my mac. In short, for all my other programs I am a convinced mac 
>> user. I'm experiencing some serious stability issues with sonar and windows 
>> and I'm slowly getting really sick of that.
>> About one and a half years ago I heard for the first time a podcast by kevin 
>> Reeves about pro tools being accessible and was really thrilled. However, 
>> back then he concluded with the notion that it was great for recording audio 
>> but not if you wanted to record soft synths and work a lot with midi editing 
>> etc.
>> That was one of the main reasons I went for sonar back then.
>> Could anyone on this list advice me if there has been any significant 
>> progress on that matter.
>> Another reason for me for going for sonar back then was the extensive 
>> documentation provided especially for blind users by dancingdots, since I 
>> was a total new comer on this subject.
>> I don't expect the learning curve on pro tools to be low, though.
>> As composer/arranger I've produced my work as sheet music, however I want to 
>> be able to produce it as well using sophisticated soft synth sounds and 
>> sample libraries. Is that doable with pt?
>> Well, that's about it.
>> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Cheers
>> Thomas

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