Hi guys,

So just to expand on the pro tools podcast for beginners, I was wondering if a macbook air with a 128 gig ssd and 8gb of ram will suffice. My agency will be buying me either this machine or a macbook pro, and was wondering if a bootcamp setup, leaving either os install 64 gb would be enough.

Also, how does one going about selecting and obtaining/paying for a copy of pro tools. I know there are several versions, and though i've been on this list for months and have never said anything, the time is nearing that i may make the transition from sonar 8 5 to pt.

Basically the only reason I'd use windows is to use cakewalk, but, is pt currently good enough to do that, I.E. extensive raw audio trimming, editing, moving things around, adding effects, etc, and I know the midi aspect is still a bit sketchy, so what are people doing for this. I'd primarily being using midi only for drums, as my very small apartment doesn't allow for a full sized kit. What are some good midi drum controlers, I've seen those all in one midi controlers with a few pads, and 49 keys and some other cool things, anyone got any input on this. I want to basically write my music as pain free as possible, and if that requires still using windows 7 until pt can catch up, so be it.

in other words: Can someone describe to me the most ideal setup for a blind person to write music? I'm starting over from scratch and want to buy quality gear, but it still needs to be useable and accessible. Hardware specifrics would be appreciated.

Thanks all

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