Hi, Slau, Chuck and others,

This is a great question.  For me, tools like Twisted Wave keep things
simple, and sometimes that's all I need.  I do a lot of voiceovers, and when
I'm managing a project like an audiobook or long form eLearning, or if I'm
dubbing or voicing to time in an already made video, ProTools makes sense.
When I'm just tossing out 15 to 30 second auditions in .mp3 to prospective
clients, I don't need anything but a single mono track.  I don't really have
to do any processing on it. I do have to clean up breaths, mouth noises,
etc, and when I do that, ProTools default behavior is simpy to remove the
audio but keep the silence in the track.  Often I want to remove the audio
AND the time.  That can certainly be done in ProTools, but in simpler tools
it just happens with less keystrokes.

I am absolutely willing to concede that I have not exhausted all ProTools
options and that I am no PT expert.  PT is a work in progresss for me. I
play with it when I can, which isn't as often as I'd like given my work
load. I definitely see its value though, even for small stuff.


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