Oh, gosh, no, David. You just crossfade. Select from a little bit before the 
cut to a little bit after the cut and crossfade. Hopefully, someone else can 
chime in to explain.

On Dec 4, 2014, at 7:20 PM, David Eagle <onlineea...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Slau. A bit of a shame. I have a piece of audio that I want to make 
> very precise edits on. Some of the edits won’t work if I just do a crude 
> delete in shuffle mode. In Sonar I would delete the portion of audio I didn’t 
> want, then cut the bit after that portion, and paste it over the top of the 
> end of the previous section, and the two bits of audio would seamlessly 
> crossfade, and you’d never know they had been edited. This has been a 
> technique I’ve used for years, and assumed it was a staple part of editing 
> speech. Say you have a piece of audio that says: “I am trying to … er … learn 
> … ProTools.” I don’t want the ‘ers.’ Now I could just delete them, except 
> this sentence has been recorded in the street and there is the sound of 
> traffic, and so you’d hear the shift in the ambient sound if I just did a 
> crude delete, and it wouldn’t sound natural. It would be an obvious bad edit. 
> So you need to blend the two clips and crossfade them. So you delete an, er, 
> and then take the portion of audio after it, cut it, and paste it over the 
> top of the last second or so of the previous bit, giving you a lovely 
> crossfade and a seamless edit. To do the equivalent of this in PT, it seems 
> as if I’ll have to create a bus, because I’m unfortunately going to be 
> working with multiple tracks, since I can’t do this track merge technique, 
> and I need the same EQ and compression settings to be in play for both 
> tracks. Then I’ll have to delete the piece of audio I don’t want, cut the bit 
> after it, paste it onto a new track, apply a fade out on the first track, 
> then apply a fade in on the second track. As you can see, that’s quite a few 
> more steps.
> I don’t mind if this is what I need to do, but I thought I’d explain my 
> reasoning for wanting to do it in case you or anyone else can think of a 
> quicker way of doing this.
> Oh dear, I am demanding aren’t I? I’m really getting the hang of ProTools, 
> and I have read the manual cursorily, and I’ve listened to the PT with speech 
> tutorials, but I’ve used Sonar for about ten years, and I was lightning fast 
> on the thing. So I’m just trying to migrate my knowledge over to PT.
> Sorry for all the questions, and thank you again for your patients and help. 
> -- 
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