I have had my iMac since early 2009.  They say that because they want to sell 

Friendly word of advice, don’t listen to Apple.  smile

> On Jan 14, 2016, at 4:17 PM, Richard Corey <rickcore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Apple says you should replace your Mac every 3years.
> Ricky
>> On Jan 14, 2016, at 4:54 PM, Gordon Kent <dbmu...@cybernex.net> wrote:
>>                  I have a mac book pro which was the top of the line when I 
>> bought it over 4 years ago.  I took it to the genius bar at my local apple 
>> store yesterday because it had been very sluggish since installing yosemity,
>> and then it stopped booting up.  I completely cleaned my hd intending to 
>> reinstall the os from scratch.  I noticed that the touch pad was all out of 
>> allignment, and the battery wasn't working at all.  What they told me was 
>> that if you leave it plugged in and continuously run it off AC power, the 
>> battery will eventually swell up, pushing up the touch pad and killing the 
>> battery.  They had to send it out.  SO if you are using a mac book, don't do 
>> what I did and treat it like a desktop, leaving it running all the time. Not 
>> only that, but they told me that although my system is an intel i7 with 8gb 
>> of ram, el capitan is optimized for newer processors that use a slightly 
>> different instruction set.  My system barely matched minimum requirements. I 
>> think that I will probably get a desktop system since I really don't use the 
>> laptop as a portable system that much anyway, and the components are a lot 
>> less expensive for what you get.  Even the new mac book pros come standard 
>> with 16 gb of ram now.
>> Gord
>> -----Original Message----- From: Martin (Punky) Sopart
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 1:09 AM
>> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: PT12.4 or me
>> Hi Slau!
>> I think, I got it.
>> Selecting a track by pressing Command+Option+F is not the same like using p 
>> and semicolon.
>> P and semicolon moe the insertion point to the desired track and 
>> Command+Option+F not.
>> Maybe thats the whole trick.
>> Thank you for your great assistance and have a nice day! / Martin
>>> Am 13.01.2016 um 01:01 schrieb Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>> I just opened the original zipped session file and I was able to recreate 
>>> the behavior you've been seeing. As I suspected, it's the issue with having 
>>> some sort of insertion point within the track. This time, I avoided any 
>>> kind of scrubbing or shuttling while performing the actions and the audio 
>>> was not deleted. As soon as I scrubbed momentarily in the track, any type 
>>> of deletion or editing was possible. BTW, I believe I mistakenly mentioned 
>>> linking the edit and timeline selection in my previous message. While that 
>>> should always be checked (except for very specific circumstances), I meant 
>>> "edit selection Follows Track Selection." With that option turned on, one 
>>> would think that simply selecting a different track should move the 
>>> insertion and vice versa. That may be true but, until there's an insertion 
>>> point of some kind, it's likely that, when a new track is created, there's 
>>> no insertion cursor, per se. Once there is, however, selecting a track 
>>> moves the insertion cursor and moving the insertion cursor selects the 
>>> corresponding track. I think it's specific to a newly-recorded track where, 
>>> before any editing takes place, there's no insertion point anywhere within 
>>> the session until you intentionally create one.
>>> I'll see if I can verify this further but I'm pretty sure that's the case. 
>>> Cheers,
>>> Slau
>>> On Jan 12, 2016, at 2:52 PM, Martin (Punky) Sopart <m...@cakewalker.de> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Slau!
>>>> The edit window is opened and all numpad navigation commands work perfect.
>>>> Waveform is selected and the track hight is set to middle.
>>>> But still no deletion possible.
>>>> Starting and stopping shuttle lock mode once by pressing Control+Numpad0 
>>>> followed by the Spacebar and the deletion works again for this track.
>>>> Same procedure again when adding another new track.
>>>> Strange…
>>>> Many thanks for your help and regards! / Martin
>>>>> Am 12.01.2016 um 16:02 schrieb Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>> I opened the session and followed your steps and, yes, the deletion works 
>>>>> fine.
>>>>> One thing I did out of necessity is open the Edit window. By default, the 
>>>>> session had only the Mix window opened. Without the Edit window being 
>>>>> opened (even if it's just in the background), the numeric keypad commands 
>>>>> for navigation wouldn't work.
>>>>> One thing I would check on your newly created track is that the track 
>>>>> view selector is set to waveform. If it's not, you'll hear the audio but 
>>>>> what's actually displayed in the timeline is whatever is selected in the 
>>>>> track view selector pop-up. That could be volume information or pan, 
>>>>> send, mute information, etc. If you select and delete, the only thing 
>>>>> you'd be deleting is whatever the track view is displaying. It won't 
>>>>> affect the audio. Double-check that your newly created track is set to 
>>>>> waveform in the edit window. If you don't see the track view selector, go 
>>>>> to the track options button and make sure your track height is set to at 
>>>>> least small and not micro or mini. Actually, you can also set the track 
>>>>> view from the track options pop-up list even if the height is set to 
>>>>> micro or small.
>>>>> Let me know if that solves the issue.
>>>>> Slau
>>>>> On Jan 12, 2016, at 4:30 AM, Martin (Punky) Sopart <m...@cakewalker.de> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Slau and list!
>>>>>> Here is the link to my favorite test session.
>>>>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30728751/Uke.zip
>>>>>> It's out of the ProToolsWithSpeech tutorial added with an raw recorded 
>>>>>> uke.
>>>>>> Sorry for the size but I did not want to change anything.
>>>>>> And all testers who do not own a copy of ProToolsWithSpeech should trash 
>>>>>> this session after testing.
>>>>>> Do the following:
>>>>>> Open the session with Pro Tools 12.4 or 12.3.1.
>>>>>> Select track 4 (the acoustic guitar) by using scroll to track - 
>>>>>> Command+Option+F.
>>>>>> Go to bar 6 by using NumpadStar followed by Numpad6 and NumpadEnter.
>>>>>> Select to the beginning of the session by using Shift+Enter.
>>>>>> Delete the selected audio by pressing Delete or Command+B.
>>>>>> Press Enter for session start and Numpad0 for audition.
>>>>>> Now the guitar starts at bar 1.
>>>>>> And now:
>>>>>> Insert a new mono audio track next to the guitar by pressing 
>>>>>> Shift+Command+N followed by VO+Space.
>>>>>> Arm the new track by pressing Shift+R.
>>>>>> Start recording by pressing Numpad3 and record 4 bars of what ever.
>>>>>> Stop recording by pressing Numpad0.
>>>>>> Unarm the track by pressing Shift+R.
>>>>>> Go to bar 3 by pressing NumpadStar followed by Numpad3 and NumpadEnter.
>>>>>> Select to the beginning of the session by using Shift+Enter.
>>>>>> Delete the selected audio by pressing Delete or Command+B.
>>>>>> Press Enter for session start and Numpad0 for audition.
>>>>>> Did the deletion work?
>>>>>> Regards! / Martin
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com]
>>>>>>> On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 3:28 PM
>>>>>>> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: PT12.4 or me
>>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>>> Let's try an experiment. Create a small session with one or two tracks 
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> you can recreate this behavior. Zip it up and share a Drop Box link to 
>>>>>>> it and
>>>>>>> let's see if others experience the same thing. I've never seen this 
>>>>>>> before so
>>>>>>> I'm curious to figure out what the issue might be.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>> On Jan 11, 2016, at 8:48 AM, Martin (Punky) Sopart <m...@cakewalker.de>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Slau and list!
>>>>>>>> Here is an additional observation.
>>>>>>>> When opening sessions which where recorded with older Pro Tools
>>>>>>> versions deleting of selected audio works as expected.
>>>>>>>> Inserting a new audio track into the same session results in the 
>>>>>>>> strange
>>>>>>> behavior for only that new audio track.
>>>>>>>> Regards! / Martin
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com]
>>>>>>>>> On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 4, 2016 6:34 AM
>>>>>>>>> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: PT12.4 or me
>>>>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>>>>> I'm not exactly sure why you're seeing that particular behavior. When 
>>>>>>>>> Edit
>>>>>>>>> and Timelines are linked and Edit Selection Follows Track Selection 
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> checked under the Options menu, the normal behavior, despite which
>>>>>>> tool is
>>>>>>>>> selected seems to be normal. In other words, if those are checked, any
>>>>>>>>> selection made in the Edit window with any particular track that is
>>>>>>> selected
>>>>>>>>> just simply works. Frankly, I don't remember the last time I had to 
>>>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> edit tool for any given session. If I ever am specifically looking to 
>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>> tool is selected, I opt for the Selector Tool but, again, I don't 
>>>>>>>>> remember
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> last time I had to verify because anything I ever do with editing 
>>>>>>>>> just works
>>>>>>>>> without any issues.
>>>>>>>>> All that said, I have to say that one detail that is absolutely 
>>>>>>>>> always true as it
>>>>>>>>> pertains to any editing that I do is that I always use either the 
>>>>>>>>> scrub mode
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> the control surface or, at the very least, Shuttle mode on the numeric
>>>>>>> keypad
>>>>>>>>> to navigate within a track to get to the edit point. Since I always 
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> "insertion follows scrub" checked in the Preferences window, I'm
>>>>>>>>> guaranteed to have an insertion cursor in the track because of that 
>>>>>>>>> fact.
>>>>>>>>> Having the Edit Selection following Track Selection under the Options
>>>>>>> menu is
>>>>>>>>> supposed to ensure that same behavior but who knows, maybe there's a
>>>>>>>>> crazy overlooked issue with that. I'm not sure.
>>>>>>>>> Let me know if anything changes or you discover anything else.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 3, 2016, at 2:58 PM, Martin (Punky) Sopart <m...@cakewalker.de>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Slau!
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for answering and helping again.
>>>>>>>>>> All the settings, options and prefs. Were set correctly.
>>>>>>>>>> After testing the whole day I experienced something reliable and
>>>>>>>>> reproducible.
>>>>>>>>>> Not shure if this is a new PT 12.4 thing?...
>>>>>>>>>> I never came to that before.
>>>>>>>>>> Here are my observations:
>>>>>>>>>> After opening a new empty session and adding e.g. an audio track I 
>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> enable the Scrubber-Tool by pressing e.g. Control+Numpad0.
>>>>>>>>>> After that I habe to disable that tool by pressing Spacebar or 
>>>>>>>>>> Escape.
>>>>>>>>>> Having done these two steps deleting copying and cutting works fine
>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>>> Where does this come from?
>>>>>>>>>> Another short question: Is there a difference between Command+B and
>>>>>>>>> the Delete key?
>>>>>>>>>> Best! / Martin
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>>>>>>>> Von: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>> [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com]
>>>>>>>>> Im
>>>>>>>>>>> Auftrag von Slau Halatyn
>>>>>>>>>>> Gesendet: Sonntag, 3. Januar 2016 06:29
>>>>>>>>>>> An: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Betreff: Re: PT12.4 or me
>>>>>>>>>>> check to make sure Track Selection is following Edit selection 
>>>>>>>>>>> under the
>>>>>>>>>>> Options menu. Also, make sure edit selection follows scrub under the
>>>>>>>>>>> Operations tab of PT Preferences. After recording a track, you 
>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>> to delete audio within a track easily. If the track is selected 
>>>>>>>>>>> and, say,
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> shuttled or scrubbed through the audio for even a split second, 
>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>> be an insertion point in the track for sure. Press Return to get to 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> beginning of the timeline and then press Shift-Option-Return to 
>>>>>>>>>>> select
>>>>>>>>>>> everything in the track to the end of the timeline and press Delete.
>>>>>>>>>>> Let us know if that helps,
>>>>>>>>>>> Slau
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 2, 2016, at 9:48 PM, Martin (Punky) Sopart
>>>>>>> <m...@cakewalker.de>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all!
>>>>>>>>>>>> I just installed PT12.4 under Yousemite.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When opening existing sessions I'm able to delete selected audio 
>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>> out of existing tracks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When inserting a new mono audio track and recording something I'm
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>> to delete the selected audio.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Same with new sessions.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Loop playback of the selected audio works fine and all selecting
>>>>>>>>> functions
>>>>>>>>>>>> do also work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked all the time- and edit-line settings, Grabber-Tool etc. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>> success.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could it be a window size or zoom issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>> If so... Could I reset that values without assistance?
>>>>>>>>>>>> What else could I check?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! / Martin
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