On the machine all you have to do is do a web search for Mojave installer 
download that to that machine. The reason your install didn’t work because you 
installed on your machine if I’m not mistaken. So in a nutshell, just do a 
search for Mojave installer on that machine and reinstalled and that should 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 25, 2019, at 3:07 PM, Christopher Gilland <> 
> wrote:
> So, I am helping a friend of mine, who admittedly, did something against 
> probably better judgement of listening to advice. Now, he/she has gotten 
> themselves in a bit of a mess.
> Though people have been warning for now to basically avoid Catalina like the 
> plague, as plugins often stop working, PT itself isn't certified and has 
> major issues, heck, not that this is exactly OT, but even Reaper apparently 
> has major issues and won't run...
> Anyway, they upgraded their mac mini 2018 to Catalina. I'm not sure how much 
> was them not listening, vs. how much was them not seeing the warnings that 
> have been discussed in various places.
> I happened to have an old Mojave installer lying around on my mac from 
> earlier. So, I managed to use Disk MakerX and create a bootable USB drive of 
> the Mojave installer, but evidently, it appears to be dammaged.
> Of corse, we didn't know this until the phase of reinstallation after 
> repartitioning their Catalina Macintosh HD, so, basically now, their drive 
> went to being wiped. I wound up having to do an internet network install, and 
> get them back on Catalina, so they'd have at least something usable. All be 
> it, PT is out the question, but at least their system would boot.
> I tried doing command+option+shift+R to get into internet recovery which 
> would download the version of the OS their system came with originally, which 
> was Mojave. Unfortunately, this isn't working. When I looked in my purchase 
> history in the app store, I cannot find Mohave in the history dating all the 
> way back to 2010, which obviously, Mojave wasn't in existance at that point, 
> so if I don't see it going that far back, then we gotta problem.
> I checked, but I do not have a Super Duper backup of Mojave. The only thing I 
> have is one of Sierra 10.12, and another of an early seed 10.15 So, I am 
> helping a friend of mine, who admittedly, did something against probably 
> better judgement of listening to advice. Now, he/she has gotten themselves in 
> a bit of a mess.
> Though people have been warning for now to basically avoid Catalina like the 
> plague, as plugins often stop working, PT itself isn't certified and has 
> major issues, heck, not that this is exactly OT, but even Reaper apparently 
> has major issues and won't run...
> Anyway, they upgraded their mac mini 2018 to Catalina. I'm not sure how much 
> was them not listening, vs. how much was them not seeing the warnings that 
> have been discussed in various places.
> I happened to have an old Mojave installer lying around on my mac from 
> earlier. So, I managed to use Disk MakerX and create a bootable USB drive of 
> the Mojave installer, but evidently, it appears to be dammaged.
> Of corse, we didn't know this until the phase of reinstallation after 
> repartitioning their Catalina Macintosh HD, so, basically now, their drive 
> went to being wiped. I wound up having to do an internet network install, and 
> get them back on Catalina, so they'd have at least something usable. All be 
> it, PT is out the question, but at least their system would boot.
> I tried doing command+option+shift+R to get into internet recovery which 
> would download the version of the OS their system came with originally, which 
> was Mojave. Unfortunately, this isn't working. When I looked in my purchase 
> history in the app store, I cannot find Mohave in the history dating all the 
> way back to 2010, which obviously, Mojave wasn't in existance at that point, 
> so if I don't see it going that far back, then we gotta problem.
> I checked, but I do not have a Super Duper backup of Mojave. The only thing I 
> have is one of Sierra 10.12, and another of an early seed 10.15 Catalina 
> beta. I was thinking if I had something, I could just modify it to their 
> settings after re-imaging it to their drive.
> Even if I did this with the Sierra image, it wouldn't help, as 1, the system 
> is newer than when Sierra was out, and I don't know how backward compatible 
> that system would be, but more importantly, I can't as the Mojave installer 
> is apparently gone, and the one I have, says their system, is dammaged.
> I'm perfectly aware of having to go into recovery and disable the security 
> settings in security manager, so they can install from external media. I 
> already did that. Stupid T2 chip? I freaking hate that blasted thing!
> I just wonder what the next step's gonna be, since I can't seem to obtain a 
> Mojave installer which isn't corrupted.
> It's so weird! My purchase history shows El Capitan, but not Sierra, not 
> Mojave, none of that. Why would they have kept El Capitan in there, but 
> pulled Sierra, and Mojave? Even HI! Sierra's not showing in there even though 
> I damn well know I downloaded it with my apple ID earlier.
> Do we at this point, short of them just waiting for things to become 
> compatible, have any recorse, or are they basically screwed? I tried to warn 
> them, but... yeah...
> Chris.
> -- 
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