News Report Issue 74
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act."
George Orwell
1. Thought for the day - Shondra Britten
2. Request:
3. Opinion:  Kolotex Advertisements - Antonia Feitz
4. Opinion:  McClure Report - Antonia Feitz
5. Opinion:  Tony Abbott's contempt for the young - Antonia Feitz
6. Opinion:  How the young were treated in the 1950's - Antonia Feitz
7. Article: Gun Runner (Part 2) - Terry Shulze
8. Article: On Genetic engineering and the existence of god - Colin Gibson
9. Life Sciences: Bad Seed, GE Contamination, Forwarded by Veronica 
10. Feedback: A bureaucracy gone mad - Lucie Christensen
11. Feedback: Australian judges corrupted by the banks - John Wilson
12. Feedback: Attack on Pauline Hanson - Ray McLaren
13. Feedback: Immorality of Advertising / Cinema Industry - Kerry Spencer Salt
14. Feedback: Oil Industry - Denis Cartledge
15. Feedback: Fools and politicians - Peter Cunningham
14. Feedback Contacts:
15. Editorial Policy:
1. Thought for the day:
"Reporters thrive on the world's misfortune. For this reason they  often take an indecent pleasure in events that dismay the rest of  humanity." (Russell Baker)

Forwarded by Shondra Britten
2. Request:
For this online news report to be ultimately effective it must grow to such a size that it and the ideas it espouses can't be ignored. So do your bit and help circulate it far and wide. If we are to challenge the elites (the Packers and the Murdochs) view of history, politics, economics, the environment, the structure of society etc., then we are going to have to do more than wait. We are going to have to be very active and vigilant. We have given you one of the tools (information & a medium for comment) you will need. Help us to help you. Lets fan the flames of knowledge. Spread the word. Editor.
3. Opinion:
Kolotex advertisements

I was interested to read the article forwarded by Lucie Christensen.

Last year, many people complained about a billboard for Kolotex hosiery which depicted a woman wearing nothing but pantyhose and high heels perched on a naked man who was bound with black hosiery (Sun-Herald, 13/6/99). Parents particularly were upset, finding the advertisement very offensive and entirely inappropriate for children. Parents from Penshurst Girls High School complained to Hurstville Council because one billboard was sited within one block of the school. And complaints were also received by Parramatta and Bankstown council, possibly because of their strong ethnic communities where modesty is still a virtue.

Despite this level of protest, the Advertising Standards Board dismissed the complaints saying the advertisement was not contrary to community standards. The Board's director, Helen Fraser, refused to reveal how many complaints had been received. This is simply not good enough. Such bodies are supposed to be transparent and accountable.

Showing just how hypocritical they were in this matter, while the Board said the ad was in line with community standards, a Kolotex spokesman said the company had taken a "conscious" vote to keep the posters away from schools and religious institutions, and that the Penshurst one must "have slipped through the net". Why keep them away from schools if they are in line with community standards? Duh?

The all-female advertising agency which designed the ad said the image supported women "who are in control of their own lives", which is just another example of illogical feminist clap-trap. The same people who shriek at any depiction of women as sex objects feel free to reduce both sexes to objects. In any case, girls would be better served by images of them studying, or working, or playing sport.

In a letter to me which demonstrated the elitist arrogance of the Board, complaints manager Carole Sladen said the Board did not doubt the genuineness of the views of people who complained "but you will appreciate those views are personal and subjective. The over-riding objective of the Board is to make decisions based upon what it perceives are prevailing community attitudes."

Yes, you read right: what IT perceives are prevailing community attitudes. So if Board members are all politically correct, ordinary people's concerns will be dismissed. Clearly the Board's procedures are faulty. In the copy of the decision sent to me, the Board made its determination on the basis of one complaint only. Naturally, they can pick a weak one. This is a travesty and accounts for why the people rarely win.

It was the thoroughly depraved Kinsey who worked tirelessly to liberate people from their alleged sexual repression. In his deranged view, all orgasms were just 'outlets' and it didn't matter how people got their outlets. For Kinsey, heterosexuality, homosexuality, masturbation, incest, and even bestiality were all valid outlets and there should be no moralising about them. So, though shocking, it's unsurprising that the suggestion of bestiality is now chic. Feminist Andrea Dworkin has been championing it for years.

For All readers.
If anyone is prepared to do the research and get me the names, telephone numbers, email addresses of all members of the Advertising Standards Board, The Board of Directors of Kolotex Limited and its parent organisation (if there is one) and the details of the advertising agency that produced the Kolotex advertisement, I will be prepared to make these details available via email to all and sundry, for individuals to vent their anger and annoyance directly to the people concerned.
You all have via last nights email News Report, the names (and position) of every Federal Member of Parliament and Senate (a few errors in the Senate list), but some 200 email addresses should be accessible by you. Right click on the name and add that name to your address book. and the group all such names either by Reps / Senate or by any other means. Then use the addresses to send email letters directly to the representatives to let them know "YOUR WILL".
Nothing will change unless thousands choose to act. Make sure that everyone on you own address book, even if in the past you have not sent them the News Report, get yesterdays News Report, with these instructions on what to do with the names provided. The names of the Parliamentarians were listed for you to do something with them. Not ignore them.
Good Hunting

4. Opinion:
McClure Report

The McClure Report made for shameful reading
. Australian families with children are suffering greatly under the government's ruthless policies of unfettered free trade and economic rationalism. According to the report, more families with children are jobless in Australia than in most other industrial nations. Yet incredibly, the government plans to cut more jobs. Skilled jobs in the steel industry are already disappearing. And as Lex pointed out the other day, foreign multinational will soon be setting up cheap supermarkets to undercut existing stores which will mean further job losses in Australia directly, and indirectly through more losses for local manufacturing.

As the myth of the "average wage" opinion piece confirmed, families are struggling to make ends meet, yet this appalling government keeps crowing about how we've never enjoyed such prosperity. Well it seems to depend on who the 'we' are, doesn't it, because very few people I know are prosperous, and job security is a thing of the past.

The number of sole parents continues to rise, and contrary to the media's love affair with affluent single women who flaunt their lack of morals, it's not a lifestyle choice for the majority. Rather, financial stress caused by unemployment, low wages and job insecurity is a major cause of marriage breakdown.

So keep it up prime minister Howard, and take a bow ex-prime ministers Hawke and Keating. You've all done a great job in ruining - oops, running the country. Suicides are rising, marriages breaking, depression is epidemic, jobs keep disappearing, children's prospects are bleak, the polarisation widens. It seems you're leading us right back to the future - of Dickensian times.

5. Opinion:
Tony Abbott's contempt for the young

In his constant denigration of the unemployed, Employment Minister Tony Abbott is an absolute disgrace
. He's at it again, criticising young people for not picking fruit. What if they have no transport?  Should they all turn into swaggies and hit the road? And where do they sleep? Not all orchards offer accommodation. Such work was traditionally done by the small group of itinerant pickers who follow the crops, school and university students, and travellers. If there are any local unemployed, yes, they should pick too. But as anybody who's done the work knows, unless you are experienced you make a pittance. How many apples did Abbott pick when he did that media stunt a week or so ago? How much money did he make? Could he live on what he earned? Answers please, Mr Abbott.

What does it say about this government that its Employment Minister constantly threatens and vilifies the young. How will blaming them for their unemployment achieve anything other than fuelling their justified resentment, after all, the government exported all their jobs. Just last night, a 17 year old unemployed girl having dinner with some friends received a call from the local pub's restaurant where she'd left her name to be available if any work was on offer.  Despite such short notice, she left her friends and eagerly accepted the work. Why can't Abbott speak of such young people and be positive for once?

6. Opinion:
How the young were treated in the derided 1950s

For those of us who knew an infinitely better society, it's heart-breaking to see what an ugly dog-eat-dog society Australia now is. In front of me I've got a Sydney Morning Herald of the 23rd December 1953. Back in the now-derided 1950s, the young, even 15 year-olds, were welcomed into the workforce. Look at this ad in the "Women and Girls" section of the positions vacant: "CLERK, JUNIOR. Required for general office duties in Modern Engineering Company. Splendid conditions and good commencing salary. Superannuation and Life Assurance benefits after 6 month's service. Half-day per month for shopping".

This was the welcome into the adult world that awaited a female school leaver who was most probably 15-16 years old, as only students who intended to go to university bothered to matriculate.

Back then, teenagers weren't caught in the modern bind of being refused work, even humble work, for lack of experience. This frustrates and infuriates them, and it's never mentioned by Employment Minister Tony Abbott. Here's another example which proves how the young were welcomed: "Accountants require Junior Girl leaving school. Good conditions. No experience necessary". Today's school leavers must be astonished to read that once such good jobs didn't require experience.

In that particular edition's "Positions Vacant" section there were traineeships and cadetships for aspiring draftsmen and engineers offered by local government, state government authorities such as the former NSW Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, and the once Australian-owned public utilities.  When Arnotts - "A good company to work for" - was an Australian company it offered its workers permanent jobs as was the norm. Arnott's ads always made reference to the staff tennis courts. The first swimming pool in St Marys NSW was built by a factory owner for his staff's enjoyment. He generously allowed local schools to use the pool.

This is the sort of altruism and philanthropy that Howard hopes to re-create with his social coalition, but it won't happen. Why? Because the old philanthropy was embedded in a genuinely prosperous national economy, and that's gone. In the globalised economy, bosses have no reason to be concerned about their workers' welfare. In fact, workers are in a race to the bottom as companies go offshore. That's why unfettered globalisation is so immoral: foreign shareholders' profits come before the Australian people's welfare.

It's not some sort of rosy nostalgia to claim things were better in the post war period up to the early seventies. They were. Even the young shared in the prosperity. Now we institutionalise them - some hapless little souls virtually from birth -  till they are 18-19 years old. Times do change, but they should change for the better, not for the worse. If there is such a shortage of IT workers, why weren't Australians trained for it? Our governments have been extraordinarily incompetent, or they just don't care. Probably both.

7. Article:
Gun Runner (Part 2) By Terry Shulze

The NCV (National Committe on Violence) was set up to provide Australia with the "necessary" gun laws. The authority of the AIC (the Australian Institute of Criminology) was behind the NCV, but what was the authority behind the AIC? Nothing more than what its letterhead proclaimed "affiliated with the United Nations". The correspondence I referred to earlier also asked whether the AIC had a MoU with any legitimate criminology group such as Scotland Yard or the FBI – the answer was no. Apparently, the UN was the ultimate, if not the only, authority for the AIC.

The AIC was not the only government Organization aware of the agenda of the "disarmament of the people". In 1992 the Commonwealth Employment Service had this to say in regards to the occupation of "Gunsmith". After a lengthy description about the necessary skills it ended with,

"Restrictions on gun ownership in the future is likely to impact most upon the demand for this occupation. It is expected that private gun ownership will cease within the next 10 years."

Port Arthur

Stories - the two police officers on the peninsula being directed to the farthest location from the shooting on an anonymous bogus tip at the time of the massacre, time sequences in tendered documents that don’t match the observation of eyewitnesses, Barry Unsworth’s 1988 statement, "there won’t be gun control in Australia, until there is a massacre in Tasmania".

Yes, conspiracy theories surrounding the Port Arthur tragedy are alive and well, move over "grassy knoll". Worse, at least one of the conspiracy writers is a complete nutter, or a master of misinformation / counter-intelligence working to send people up the wrong street (he says that Martin Bryant didn’t do it). Of course, if I wanted to find out what happened at Port Arthur, I would just read the Coroner’s Report – except there isn’t one. Perhaps a survivor of Port Arthur, Wendy Scurr summed it up best in a letter she wrote, "4 people are killed in an accident on board a Navy ship and there is an enquiry sufficient to lay the matter to rest. 17 people are killed in an Army helicopter accident and there is not one enquiry, but two. 35 people are killed at Port Arthur and despite the many requests of other people, who were there, like me, there is no enquiry. Why?"

The laws were ready, they had been sitting on the shelf since 1994, the media was ready, and it had perfected the technique in 1991 after the Strathfield massacre. All that was needed was a suitable massacre, preferably in Tasmania of course. Then we had "Port Arthur". Wow, what a coincidence. Was that a lucky break for international gun control or what?

The Buy-Back

If you have wondered what really happened during the "buy-back", you are not alone. The Federal government will not release the breakdown in the figures. Now since at least 500 million dollars was used and possibly as much as 1 billion in all, you would think that the person paying for the tab could get an accounting. Well, the taxpayers of Australia not only did not get an accounting, they had to pay for a Newspoll Market Research push-polling report that was put together to justify the waste. Just imagine what your answer might have been to question number (5) "Do you think you might have a gun which has become illegal under the new gun laws?". Or perhaps your answer to number (6) "If you owned a gun which has become illegal would you say you personally would be likely to hand in the gun which has become illegal?" Not surprisingly, the poll showed an amazing compliance rate.

The best figures available were from the State of Victoria. Although there were no final figures (and they won’t be forth coming!), the state gave a breakdown up until three weeks before the end of the "buy-back". The state also handed in a third of the firearms in Australia, so it is a pretty good sample to draw from. Here is what it shows.

Automatic - .1%, Center-fire self-loading – 3.2%, Pump action shotguns – 15.1%, Self-loading shotguns – 32.7%, Rimfires – 47.5%, other –1.8%.

The automatics came primarily from museums and RSL Clubs and were therefore a non-event. However, the "Center-fire self-loading" firearms were the primary target of the buy-back. The 3.2% are not broken down between military and civilian rifles, but note this, Victoria had registration prior to the "buy-back", without registration the level of compliance would have been lower. So what do the figures show us? It shows that almost half of the firearms turned in were lousy 22 pea rifles, a rifle that not one nation in the world issues to its solders because on its anaemic power. The figures also show that 47.8% of the rifles were shotguns, a firearm that Hitler allowed the occupied French to keep.

It has been estimated that there were some 400,000 SKS, SKK and their variants imported into Australian up until the early 1990’s. Only about 8,000 were turned in, that is just 2%, or to state it another way – 98% of those rifles are still in the community. There were also some 500,000 M1 carbines sold off in Australia; it is safe to say that at least half would still be out there. From the figures, it is obvious that the people smelled a rat.

A "safer Australia" because of the tough new gun laws, I think not. The non-compliance rate is staggering. If there hasn’t been a massacre since Port Arthur, it is probably because the values of society work seven times more effectively than its laws do. Port Arthur shocked the community, a massacre is not socially acceptable, and no one wants to be labelled another Martin Bryant. However, God help us if Hollywood "realigns the paradigm" by producing a film about Port Arthur and the poor misunderstood New Age Hero Martin Bryant, finally striking back against his tormentors. I can just imagine the fruitcakes looking for recognition or revenge that would be walking down the street, humming the theme song to the movie.

If you wonder why the non-compliance rate is so high, just take a careful look at the "tough but fair" gun laws. For example, let’s say you go to court for a traffic offence. The magistrate puts you on a good behaviour bond. Well, you can still drive, you still can keep your driver’s license, but you can no longer have a shooter’s license. Now just try to explain to a gun owner why that is logical, why it is fair. Ask yourself, would I be willing to "sit in the back of the bus?"

More AIC Propaganda

The government is still pumping out propaganda to justify this gross encroachment on liberty. When the Select Committee on Gun Law Reform was established in 1991, the report used supporting documentation from the AIC. Many of those supporting documents were International Crime Survey reports prepared with the help of UNICRI. (By the way, UNICRI is an autonomous body of the UN that does not receive its funding from the UN, so where does it receive its funding? If you find out, let me know. I believe in the old saying, "follow the money".) The Report of the Select Committee is probably the worst piece of "junk science" that has ever been assembled in Australia, and yes, the Australian taxpayer paid for it too. There is not one statistic, table, graph or bar chart that supports the conclusion of the Committee. In fact, the very OPPOSITE conclusion can be drawn from the statistics that the more firearms in society, the less firearm homicide result –true.

The following year the AIC came under fire in NSW with the AIC’s sexual violence statistics that stated that Australia was the most sexually violent society in the world! This prompted a Select Committee to look at the credibility of the AIC research on sexual violence. The comprehensive research of the 208-page report is 104 pages of debunking the AIC research. The findings of that Select Committee are significant to the "gun debate", the Committee recommended that the AIC information not to be taken into consideration when making policy decisions. I have no doubt that if a similar committee looked into the firearm research it would come to the same conclusion.

One interesting bit from the Select Committee on Gun Law Reform report is a coroner’s table that shows crime in NSW from the year’s 82/83 to 89/90, the year before the Committee. In the table, all crime is up except firearm crime. That’s right, robbery with a weapon not a firearm up about 83%, assault up about 300%, serious assault up about 165%, murder up about 20%; however, robbery with a firearm is down 44% over the seven year period. Now remember, that NSW implemented most of the NCV (Howard Gun Laws) in 1992. So what happened to the firearm robbery rate after the new laws? It escalated that’s what. It is hard getting the statistics, but at least the newspapers will report 34% in one year, 28% in another year. Of course, there may be other reasons that it skyrocketed, but the rise doesn’t give credence to the effectiveness of the gun laws.

A taxpayer might think that the AIC would take that into account when considering the effectiveness of the NCV / APMC gun laws. After all, there would be seven years of statistics available to evaluate the effectiveness of the NCV gun laws. However, the recent AIC report of May 1999, "Firearm-related Violence: The Impact of the Nation-wide Agreement on Firearms" does not take it into account. In fact, the report follows the same old waste of taxpayer’s money road that all the previous research followed. Yes, suicides and accidents are still counted; yes, the slight-of-hand-techniques are still used. For example, Figure 5 in the report is a class act; it shows firearm robberies in NSW as a percentage of all robberies. Now get this; you have both firearm robberies and other robberies going up, how do you handle the spin. Easy, you note that firearm robberies aren’t going up as fast as other robberies, so you make up a chart that shows firearm robberies as a declining percentage of robberies. - I feel safer by the moment.

I’ll end my discussion on the AIC with a quote from its new Director, Adam Graycar. In February of this year there was another AIC report entitled "CSCAP Working Group on Transnational Crime – Small Arms Project: An Australian Perspective". In that report Graycar stated, "In order to regulate the traffic of firearms at an international level, it is necessary to begin by regulating it at both a regional and national level."

To be continued

Terry Shulze


8. Article:
On Genetic Engineering and the existence of God.
Genetic engineering involves the placing of sections of DNA from one organism into another. However, consider these basic facts.
1) DNA is information or software.
2) No scientist can read DNA, because no-one knows the language used and can therefore translate it into English. It's like a machine code language for a computer. Gobbledegook to us.
3) DNA is like the software and the living cell is like the computer. No scientist fully understands this computer, unlike the IBM's man produces. Cells are far too technologically advanced.
4) These cells (computers) are capable of reproducing without a factory and paid workers, unlike our computers. What awesome design!
5) These "computers" are capable of maintaining themselves without employing any technicians. No engineer has yet been able to design machinery to this level. As a design engineer myself, I know this all too well.
6) Every component of a cell is made of nothing but dead parts! The same can be said for any of the machines we make.
So why is machinery like a cell alive?
In the case of a machine like an engine, provided all the parts are in the correct place and made of the right materials, it will spring to life when the key is turned. In the case of a machine like a living cell, provided all the parts are in the correct place and made of the right materials, it too will spring to life. Simply having the right parts is not enough. They must be in the correct place, and it is information that enables this to happen. In cells it's DNA. In engineering, it's drawings. A mashed frog in a blender has all the right materials, but they will never assemble themselves back into a frog, or anything else for that matter, by accident (as evolution teaches). Neither will a bag of metal parts reassemble themselves back into a car. Someone with the know-how would have to do that.
Logically, someone with the know-how would also have put living cells together too and wrote all the software for them. Since this highly intelligent Being wrote the software, perhaps He knows what language it is! Perhaps also He knows why He wrote it the way He did rather than the way the genetic engineers want it written (they can't even read the language remember). Software never writes itself. Software companies pay software engineers loads of money to write it for them. Intelligence is always required. Complex software like DNA requires a very high level of intelligence indeed. It's incredible that even though the genetic engineers don't fully know how the machinery (cells) works, or understand the software, they think they should mess with it.
Deep down we can all see this logic, which is why there is such a public resistance to GM foods. We realise the scientists are messing with stuff they don't understand, which explains why they get unpredictable results. They are trying to play god, but they lack the wisdom, understanding and technical know how. Perhaps this is because they are not God!
It is amazing to see quotes from scientists claiming blind chance and pure accident (evolution) produced all this information (DNA) over squillions of years. None of them saw it happen this way, since none of them are a squillion years old, yet they firmly claim it as a fact. Some of them go on to claim that food should NOT be genetically modified. Well if it evolved, why not? How do we know it evolved the right way or the wrong way in the first place? Using engineering skills would surely produce better results than pure random accidents.
The problem is the starting point, the belief that pure chance (evolution) made complex computers (cells) and wrote complex software (DNA). And if the premise is wrong, the logic built on it is folly.
Try the alternative premise on for size. Let's start with the concept that complex cells and DNA did not produce themselves by pure accident. In other words they were deliberately created. We now have a rational reason why we can claim that food should not be genetically modified. If it was created by someone that smart, we can be sure it was created the right way in the first place. If man chooses to mess with it, then don't be surprised if there are diabolical consequences. If a child messes with things he doesn't understand (TNT for example), there will be diabolical consequences.
Since all this is obvious to even the simplest of us, why would smart scientists and genetic engineers (and some stupid politicians) want to play around with GM foods? The answer is found in the fact that man has inherited a proud greedy sinful nature and is desperately wicked. Not one of us behaves perfectly at all times. It's man's (yes and even scientists) natural condition. He simply cannot resist eating the forbidden (genetically modified) fruit. There is a Saviour though who loves each one of us, made each one of us, and is prepared to pay for each one of us if we ask Him to. GM foods is not the first example of man believing his knowledge is greater than God's wisdom. However it does show we are slow learners in man's long war against God.
Colin Gibson B.E. (mech.)
9. Life Sciences:
Subject: Bad Seed, GE contamination
Howls of indignation continue on the intransigence of the GM promoters. See the Greenpeace Press Release below condemning the US authorities who will not guarantee that seed exports to Europe are GMO free. Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 7:28 PM

US Unable to Stop Bad Seed from Entering European Market
Brussels, March 29, 2000  According to a letter made public by Greenpeace today US seed certification authorities are unwilling and unable to guarantee that seed exports to Europe are not contaminated with GE seed.

US Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) stated in a letter to the Greek Ministry of Agriculture, "there are no standards for certifying seed as non-GMO at present, and on that basis the United States can not provide the certification." The letter was sent in reply to a Greek request for GE-free cottonseed after Greenpeace exposed large-scale GE contamination of US cottonseed in the country two weeks ago.  The seed, destined for commercial planting in Greece, contained GE seed types not approved for planting in the EU.

"It is astonishing that the US authorities are perfectly happy to ignore the European legislation," said Isabelle Meister of Greenpeace. "If the US refuses to guarantee that its merchandise complies with the laws of an importing country, we see no other option to protect the European environment from unwanted genetic pollution than to ban such US seed imports."

Furthermore GE contamination is not only a problem for cotton. Last  year GE contaminated maize seed was imported from the US into Germany and Switzerland. The Swiss authorities halted the sale of the seed and ordered the destruction of the contaminated fields.

"GE contamination could also be a problem for potato, tomato, rapeseed and soy," said Meister. "This case once again highlights why we need a ban on all trade on genetically engineered organisms until the Biosafety Protocol is ratified. The EU Environment Ministers meeting tomorrow in Luxembourg must propose such a ban to the Nairobi meeting of the Rio Convention in May. Also the European Commission must urgently tighten its present seed regulation to match its GE legislation to prevent the genetic contamination through seed."
Note to the editors:
Neither GE cotton, soybean, rape seed nor potatoes have been approved for cultivation in the EU and only three GE-maize out of at least 11 GE- maize lines grown in the US, can be legally grown in EU. Selling and planting of the unapproved GE seed would be in violation of EU legislation. Seed imports from the US to Europe, especially of maize, have already dropped significantly over the past years and do not play a major role for European agriculture.
James Williams
Greenpeace International (Press Office)
Articles Forwarded by
Veronica Griffin Ph.D..
Kerawa Qld.
10. Feedback:
A Bureaucracy gone Mad.
Remember   people   DON'T BUY FUEL  from the   7th  till the  9th  APRIL. I  was speaking to a person who works for a petrol  company and he told me that they  can  only  store fuel for 24 hours.  And if the government were so concerned about us,  why don't they take  their  fuel tax off and make it easier for all the people. It seems that the  GOVERNMENT is trying to make all the people fight with each other.  They don't  make anything that we can be happy about  with all their  REGULATIONS and some are so stupid that the people who dream this up must spend all their time  thinking  how can I make it a little harder for Jo Blow.
It has got so bad around here in the bush that with all the regulations our knackery will have to close because of too many regulations, one is he is not to have the toilet door opened as there is no dust allowed, (the toilet is 50 metres away from the meat room)  and  he is not allowed  to pick up stock that has been dead for more than 6 hours.  
He now  has to pay for the removal of the offal where before they paid him. The offal is turned into blood and bone which is so good for our garden, so consequently anything that dies in the back blocks and he is not allowed to pick it up for dogs meat. If we want him to remove the carcass it will cost us $25.  And what is he going to do with it as they won't take decayed carcasses as now it is costing him about $1,000.00 a week and the same inspectors that inspect the abattoirs are the ones that inspect the knackery. What a joke.(The pollies and the people that dream up these regulations are all in LA-LA LAND)  
We are even going to lose our milk bar because of these regulations, which will mean 20 minutes drive to buy milk or anything else you need like bread. Country has GONE MAD!  Even  in PARLIAMENT, they are like 2 year olds instead of taking a roll of an adult they are playing like kids with our lives and our EMOTIONS. 
My  daughter works in Melbourne and only because there are no jobs in the  BUSH.  Even with her $450.00 a week pay,  she can't manage and does part time  work  at night and weekends.. (She is a secretary with an accounting agency.)   After she pays rent, her car, petrol, food, phone, power, car registration, insurance, water there is not much left for anything else. So not much of a life for the young. Not only my daughter, but for all the thousands of  young kids in the work force. They can't save because there is nothing  left  to save and even if they did the banks would rob them blind of 99% of your hard earned money and with her working at night she is only making the tax man rich, so there is no incentive for any one to get ahead.
Lucie Christensen
11. Feedback:
Australian Judges corrupted by the banks.
The Australian Judiciary have become the agents of the Banks who are concealing the fraudulent practices of illegal (variable interest rates) loan contracts and money creation. With the focus of the world soon to be turned on Australia with the Olympic Games in Sydney in September of this year,  people of the world will want to know more about our country.  What will they find?  They will see that Australians have no inalienable rights to truth and justice in the courts nor the parliaments. 
Please go to
for the most recent summary of developments in one such story. My next attempt to achieve justice will be another court challenge for the Tort of unlawful imprisonment - citing the Crown as the Defendant for vicarious liability and demanding trial by jury. However, it is normal practice for the judges to dismiss proceedings without allowing a jury rather than exposing their own corruption to a tribunal of the people. Please forward this email to as many recipients as possible because it is only through the medium of the Internet that such stories of human rights violation can be told. 
Thank you. 
John Wilson.
12. Feedback:
Attack on Pauline Hanson
After listening to Pauline in the Ron Casey show on 2GB Fri. it looks like One Nation will be stronger than ever at the next elections. One of the main reasons is the shocking way in which the Government and the all parties have tried to destroy her.  Obviously they the parties who rule or are in opposition are on a very good little number thank you very much. And to have a contender coming in, pointing out the true feelings of the electorate, then this massier must be destroyed.  And they did it...they think they did it. But by their own sword, I believe she will rise up and (kick but).
There are some many policies that contradict the way people think and want this place to be run! Blindly the news papers try to justify another policy that we are to live by, then it is made law, and we wonder why we had to have it. Common sense sometimes tell you how wrong it is, but the Politicians still listen to the strong minority groups and because they are isolated and don't think clearly as the general public can, they go down yet another stupid path.
Take law and order for example.
Any fool can see that if the USER were arrested and placed in an unpleasant detention centre out Whoop Whoop, made to wake at 6 AM and do a days work in an on-site factory or Veg garden, for 4 months, as well as receiving anti-drug treatment,  Basic food, Vetted Books and TV, then he would quickly turn to other forms of recreation, as he would definitely not want to go back to this centre for a longer spell.  The prison could be made up of cheap army billets, with Razor wire parameter fencing, and dogs.  This might offend some people and this is the main problem.
Instead of spending over $100,000 per prisoner, with an escalating crime rate, we should be looking at the USA system, with contract prisons, and Hard labour.
Unless off course you think the present system (where, say, a Violent rapist can do time with such luxuries as Video, sex movies, and books, good meals, little work if any, full gymnasium equipment, etc. etc)  this is the government we have doing our organising!  The guy comes out after 12 months for raping and assaulting YOUR daughter, refreshed and much stronger and maybe now with a black belt in Karate..... THIS IS CRAZY
Ray McLaren
Immorality of the Advertising Industry.
Just received this news letter.... "AS PREDICTED, BESTIALITY GOES MAINSTREAM"
...Brace yourselves. Showing up in two leading fashion magazines this winter is a multi-page advertising spread for a couturier that pairs the obligatorily skinny woman in provocative poses with an enormous dog in a studded leather collar. Lest the not-so-subliminal message in this advertising campaign be lost, there are pages of "playful" encounters between them....

You do not have to go overseas. There is a movie showing in Sydney at the moment in mainstream theatres call "ROMANCE". It is said by reviewers to go where other films have not gone. You see it shows real sex and erect appendages etc. We use to call it pornography but now it is main-stream cinema and when it is art it is suitable to give an R rating to

I might try to find one of the reviews of it and post it.
You will see that we have some pretty sick reviewers in Australia as well.

Kerry Spencer Salt
14. Feedback:
Oil Industry
I find this article extremely interesting.  Last year or late the year before I read an article in one of the financial papers concerning our oil refining industry.

What it said was illuminating.  To summarise:  apparently some 20 years ago the refineries knew that a major overhaul and upgrade was needed on the equipment.  This posed no problems, what caused concern was the direction in which they had to go.  Should they concentrate refining and production on petrol and the lighter products or should they concentrate on diesel and aviation fuel, which require less refining?

Yep, you guessed it, they chose petrol.  Over the past 20 years this country has seen a phenomenal explosion in diesel and aviation fuel consumption.

What conclusions have I drawn from the article.  As most (all ?) oil companies are foreign owned how do you maximise your profits?  In the light of petroleum products being so highly taxed and there being a small profit margin on petrol just ensure that those items with a larger profit margin are subject to a restricted supply, thus as demand rises prices do also.

Another item of interest in these days of "reduced" oil production by the OPEC cartel was that I spent a couple of weeks travelling around Iran in 1974 (well after the first oil crisis) and during that time spoke to quite a few US and Iranian personnel who worked in the oil industry.  What astounded me were two things that I learnt there.  1.  a barrel of oil is 200 litres!  2.  The well head cost of a barrel of oil was $US0.05!  That is taking all production and drilling costs into account they broke even at 5 cents US to get 200 litres of oil out of the ground.  If those costs have risen a 1000% over the intervening 25 years that only takes it to $US5.00 a barrel!

Just some food for thought.

Denis Cartledge
15. Feedback:
Fools and Politicians
It does prove the charade in which we live - the selfish - the fools - the idealists and any combination have ALREADY led Australia down a most dangerous path of eventual civil unrest.  I long for the day when the bleeding hearts, and the above mentioned - suffer their folly.  At least I will not so suffer.
Meanwhile, thinking people suffer the abomination of what many people believe is a DEMOCRACY. Want a shock? - Ask people just what is a democracy - Most cannot answer - they simply do not know.  The few who do - the contrast will scare even a dimwit.  THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY.
Another subject - DIESEL ENGINES - or should it be COMPRESSION HEADS? Here is yet another example of the utter contempt - the wheeling, the dealing, and ferret trading that we mere mortals suffer. The SYSTEM and many of it's puppets serve nobody - save for the puppets. The bureaucratic puppets jump when told or act on their own initiative, and too often penalise those they are supposed to serve. I say - BAN DIESEL ENGINES - Maintain the impetus for banning everything will surely work to save society from evil.
Soon people will REVOLT. It is the start of a great awakening - affecting the average Aussie - a distraction from footie, from cricket and other commercial mind diversions. We saw the 'dimocrats' complicate the GST - we see and ultimately suffer their all too often perverted perspectives. A bloody great war  and Revolt are the ONLY times when positive change is effected. 
Peter Cunningham 
Let us know what you think. Feedback is important. Comments on articles read would be of value. Do you agree / disagree? Can you add more or a different perspective. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Send this email on to as many as you can. The more that read it the merrier. In time email communication will make government censorship impractical and the newspapers will have to start reporting it as it really is, rather than the smoke and mirrors tricks they currently indulge in, or loose readership, and therefore advertising monies. While we have a long way to go before that happens, each epic journey must start with a single step.
Lets go to it.

Neil Baird
Antonia Feitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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