Dear Leslie,
Composite fillings are made of plastice (methyl methacrylate) and crushed quartz.  Theye are a long way from being a good restorative material and more leaching of plastic monomer goes on than leaching of mercury from amalgams (if they are mixed to the correct ratio that efficiently incorporates the mercury into the newly created alloy - so that there is not an excess of mercury to leach out and shows as "pitting" over the surface of the filling). 
No poison is good for anyone.  The questions are "Which poison will we implant?" and  "Which poison is more likely to cause symptoms?" -- and there are other questions,  ie:  "Which material will last longer?" and "Which material is acceptable to the patient in a cosmetic sense?".
Lots of people have arthritis and have no teeth,  at all - but they do have dentures made of methyl methacrylate.
Some people are hypersensitive to certain elements and compounds,  eg:  fluoride,  penicillin,  etc..  When looking at heavy metal poisoning there are 3 primary symptoms,  ie;  dementia,  diarrhoea and dermatitis.  After that you look for a whole range of conditions from abdominal pain,  muscle twitching,  cardiac arrythmia,  tunnel vision,  birth deformities,  etc..
In the mouth,  it is easy to spot an adverse reaction to a filling because the mucous membrane (lining of the mouth) is in contact with the filling and an erythematous rash is produced in the same way as a "patch test" for an allergy.
You may well be a person who is hypersensitive to amalgam and,  in that case,  the culprit should be eliminated.  However,  composite fillings in many people are cariogenic,  ie:  actually cause decay,  which will destroy the tooth and the composite fillings have to be removed if caught in time. 
If composite were a genuine alternative to amalgam,  there would be no amalgam.  That is the dentists' dilemma.  Ugly amalgam is still an infinitely better restorative material than the pretty composite.
With any poison,  a good diet supplemented with the anti-poisons (eg: vitamin B and zinc in the case of mercury and vitamin C in the case of lead,  etc.) is one's best protection.
The body and the environment are too complex to make simplistic diagnoses.  If there is a one-to-one/cause-to-cure situation then that is great - but can one be sure?
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson, BDS.   
-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bill Kaiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 12 June 2000 9:18
Subject: mercury

whereas amalgam, with its silver/copper/tin/zinc/mercury,
John, I had chronic rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years, when I read that the mercury in amalgm, which I had a MOUTH FULL culd cause all types of illness. As the Royals had theirs removed why not me.
I argued with the dentist, he saying the mercury is locked in.
I replied that so was the lead locked to tin in 50/50 solder, was he prepared to suck lead solder every hour of his life.
I had all the teeth out, and some composite replacements.
The arthritis (High ESR etc) dropped within 2 weeks, and I have never looked back, 3 years now.  This was in complete accord with others including other chronic illnesses.
I say to all dentists who push the mercury line. Proove it to me, suck lead. 30 % solder if you like? Lead poisoning has amore direct and faster Kill time.

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