
Before I proceed with this message let us get the credentials of the
message right. There are some readers who I know will doubt the fundamental
point that successive ministries in Canberra are leading us slowly but
surely into WORLD GOVERNMENT. This is to say that they are deliberately
removing sovereignty from the people and transferring it into global bodies
and institutions.

Doubt The National Watchman if you like but let us look at who else knows
that this is happening. One such person is YOU because YOU are told often
enough by the media ( your prophets) but it is simply that you do not wish
to see or read the clear words that they give you. 


Let us start with Padraic P. McGuinnes, the  Sydney  Morning Herald's noted
political and constitutional writer. He stated (19/09/98) that a world
government may be "the only answer"  in light of the  global financial

Simply policies like economic rationalism, protectionism, regulation,
exchange controls are “ simplistic remedies likely to make things
worse...In the longer term, currency guru George Soros is probably right -
a global economy needs a global central bank and a global framework of
fiscal discipline. IN A WORD, WORLD GOVERNMENT...The national governments
still have too much power to deviate from central monetary and fiscal
policy guidelines”.  


"IN A WORD, WORLD GOVERNMENT". Now you cannot get much simpler than that
can you? Initially it will be economic governance but later it will be
followed by political governance. This has been discussed before in the
NATIONAL WATCHMAN UPDATE - 'Sydney Morning Herald Announces the
Asianisation of Australia'. 

In this NATIONAL WATCHMAN UPDATE the Sydney Morning Herald's article ALL
OUR TOMORROW's (Saturday  March 18 2000) was reviewed in light of its
prediction of the future political integration of Australian and Indonesia. 

This integration is fundamental to the creation of one of the three
regional trading blocks on which the global economy is based by the New
World Order planners. “Is it absurd" the Sydney Morning Herald rationalised
"to think about an Asian Community, or a South-East Asian Community?
Already both countries are part of the stuttering Asia Pacific Economic
Co-Operation (APEC) Forum”. 


Thus WORLD GOVERNMENT is coming and the newspapers know it! They spell it
out but you will not allow yourself to see. Now if you are still doubting
that the leading commentators know that WORLD GOVERNMENT is coming you
should note that their knowledge on this matter is 'on the  record'.

Professor Geoffrey Blainey at the Foreign Correspondence Association Dinner
(07/03/96) addressed the whole media circus stating, "It is now possible,
for the first time in history to set up a world government...we will have a
world government, whether it comes by conquest or popular election...I
suspect the first attempt will fail. People will  find it deplorable but it
will come again...and may be it will ultimately succeed”. This is now
accepted as the fait acompli for Australia political destiny.


Some journalists are not so blatant but just as precise as Padraic P.
McGuinnes. Geoff Kitney (The  Sydney  Morning Herald -13/09/97), 25 years a
Canberra journalist, stated the following regarding the evil of
globalisation in Europe. 

“Unemployment is an economic monster that is creating political
monsters...Already in Europe the  unthinkable - that a fascist could again
rise to power - is being discussed and giving rise to calls for a

Simple, isn’t it? Before you can "RECONSIDER" global government it must
have been CONSIDERED in the first place. (I guess that Geoff Kitney must
have been at the Foreign Correspondence Association's dinner with Professor
Geoffrey Blainey).

The simple truth is that the media knows clearly what is coming and they
even tell you of the reality that is planned for you. (But I guess that
with all the "titty-tainment" that the average Australian has it is hard to
get pass a headline these days!) Thus the leading commentators know what is
happening and they know that GLOBAL GOVERNMENT is coming. TRUST IN THEM, if
not in The National Watchman.


With the above in mind I hope that the following details of the rapiding
cascade of action that is leading Europe into the net of GLOBAL GOVERNMENT
can be investigated without The National Watchman being labeled paranoid.
(The following extract is from The News Report, Issue 140. Originally
forwarded by Neita Bage with a main site reference of Headings have been inserted by The National



Saturday September 2, 2000, the United Nations Millennium Assembly plans to
celebrate "Global Governance Day," or "One World Government Day."

Global governance will empower and fund the United Nations to be the
supreme governmental authority on the planet. Selected NGO's
(non-government organisations), called "Civil Society," will take their
place as both representatives of the people and implementers of U.N.
policies. More than 130 international organisations called IGO's
(inter-governmental organisations), will be consolidated as direct
administrative agencies to the new U.N. System.  National Governments will
become mere administrative agencies reporting back through the appropriate
IGO's to the U.N.


Consequently, any internal election procedures of any country will be of no
or little consequence. In every instance the U.N. will have the ability to
override any proposed legislation of any participating government.  Elected
officials will simply become the administrators of a U.N. One World
Government. Departments of Justice may only handle domestic matters as
appointees of a "World Court." Defence Departments will be replaced by a
world-wide U.N. military force. Departments of Education will be replaced
by a universal curriculum designed and managed by UNESCO and the U.N. will
provide its own social security system.

These mandates and the ensuing celebrations have been in the works for
sometime. At least a decade of preparatory work has taken place to launch
the new millennium of Global Governance, a term that recently replaced New
World Order. Communist Goals of 37 years ago places up-coming events in
proper perspective. The U.S. Congressional Record, Appendix, pages A34 and
A35 dated Thursday January 10, 1963 list 45 current communist goals for
America. Goal number 11 reads as follows:

"Promote the United Nations as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is
re-written, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own
independent armed forces."


The agenda of the U.N. was published by the Commission on Global Governance
in 1995 and now appears as a Charter. Just as the "Society of the Elect,"
of Cecil Rhodes Secret Society or "Inner Circle," authored the original
Articles of the League of Nations, so too an un-identified body has
authored the Charter on Global Governance. According to Slick Willie's
mentor, Carroll Quigley, page 26, of "The Anglo-American Establishment, the
first draft was created by Lord Phillimore, however the second draft, known
as the" Cecil Draft," was attributed to Lord Robert Cecil but in actual
fact it was the work of Alfred Zimmern  a member of the Milner Group, named
after Sir Alfred Milner, Cecil Rhodes protégé and successor.

On October 24th, 1999, the Charter for global Democracy was made public and
had been signed by 56 nations. The Charter has 12 Principles and is in
reality a document that ensures the abolition of human Rights and Freedoms.


Here are the 12 Principles contained within the Charter.

Principle # 1: Calls for the consolidation of all international agencies
under the direct authority of the United Nations.

Principle # 2: Calls for the regulation by the UN of all transnational
corporations and financial institutions, requiring and "International Code
of Conduct," concerning the environment and labour standards

Principle # 3: Demands an independent source of revenue for the UN, such as
the Tobin Tax with taxes on aircraft, shipping fuel and licensing the use
of the "Global Commons," which is defined as outer space, the atmosphere,
non-territorial seas and the related environment that supports human life.

Principle # 4: Eliminates the veto power and permanent member status on the
security Council.

Principle # 5: Authorises a standing UN Army.

Principle # 6: Requires UN registration of all arms and the reduction of
all national armies  as a part of a multilateral Global Security System
under the authority of the UN.

Principle # 7: Requires both individual and National compliance with all UN
Human Rights treaties and declarations.

Principle # 8: Activates the International Criminal Court and makes the
International Court of Justice compulsory for all Nations and provides
individuals with the remedy to petition the Court in instances of social

Principle # 9: Calls for a "new institution" to establish economic and
environmental  security by insuring "sustainable development."

Principle # 10: Calls for the establishment of an "International
Environmental Court."

Principle # 11: Calls for "A High Level Action Team," to police climate
change and to allocate carbon emissions based upon equal per-capita rights.

Principle # 12: Calls for the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest
Nations, global poverty reductions and an equitable sharing of global
resources as defined by the UN.

With out question this is a totalitarian planetary agenda created by an
International Banking Cartel who in turn control the IMF and the UN. The
charter puts into perspective the roles of the World Trade Organization
(WTO), The Multi-lateral Agreements on Investment for Trans-nationals
(MAI), the role of the Organization of Economic and Co-operative
Development (OECD) as the propaganda enforcer of the IMF and the Financial
Action Task Force. 
Always remember the "Power Elite" will always come at you from more than
one direction with co-ordinated agendas.



One World Government will be the government of the multinationals. The only
imperative in this system is the expansion of corporate power and the
accumulation of wealth; its anti-democratic nature directly attacks the
human right to control one's own government; this is why GLOBAL GOVERNMENT

This system is the  New World Order; it will be ominous and pervasive. The
Geoff Kitney article in the Sydney Morning Herald was written as a warning
from Europe. (13/09/97-Spectrum ). In this the following vision was given
for the future Australia as it follows the European path to destruction.

“In Europe an apocalyptic vision of the future of the world , formed by the
economic policies [of destruction] John Howard is using to reshape
Australia , is starting to scare people. It’s being called the 20-80 vision. 

It predicts a future in which only 20 percent of the world’s working-age
population will be needed in the work-force. The other 80 percent will be
denied productive, fulfilling lives. Instead, they will live on the fringe,
surviving on what the productive population is prepared to pass on to them.

The world will not be the free market utopia with opportunity for all,
promised by politicians such as Howard, but a universal Brazil - a place
where the wealthy, working elite will live in fortressed enclaves and the
poor, non -working masses struggle for survival outside;  a place where
more resources go into providing prisons than schools.

This bleak 21 st century future will be the inevitable result of the
globalisation process now reshaping the economic and political geography of
the world, those who see the 20-80 vision, argue.

The global market will empower unaccountable corporate chiefs and
disempower governments. Democratic social values will be determined by
economic imperatives. The level of government support for the poor and
disadvantaged, the rates at which taxes are levied, the size of wages will
all be driven by the lowest common denominators. New investment will go to
where the costs are the lowest and incentives greatest. China, India,
South-East Asia will set the new standards for wages, taxes, and social
welfare in the global market.”  

It is at this point it is worth while returning to the article ALL OUR
TOMORROW's for 'democratic' changes will, of course, have to be made to
incorporate this brave new vision of the elites. We must come to understand
that one casualty will be the Australian concept of the political system.
"Democracy", says Tanter in the Sydney Morning Herald , ”in Australia as
much as Indonesia, needs rethinking on the basis of shared transnational
interests to regulate highly mobile capital". Translated we must
accommodate the desires and plans of the 'elite caste' of the New World

This is why our military is being re-educated to handle civilian problems
and why our defence forces are being integrated into Asia; the ultimate
global police force for Australia will be Asian. (See NATIONAL WATCHMAN

Remember it was Paul Keating (Sydney Morning Herald - March 30 2000) who
said that the  "Future's there, if we dare".  Paul Keating argued that we
should develop our relationship with Asia by reducing our own military
capacity!!! Another way of achieving this is that we should build up their
military strength. 

Thus we train Indonesian soldiers, give Asian general access to our defence
secrets and give foreign aid and handouts that allow Asia to purchase the
military power that will be use to enforce the PAC AUSTRALIANIA. ( Remember
that in 1997 our government gave Thailand $ 1.5 billion as a free gift and
a week later the Australian newspaper (15/08/97) details how Thailand was
going to purchase an aircraft carrier - THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND THAT CANNOT

Thus defence, for Paul Keating, is not to be found in a proficient military
force or "the size and effectiveness of our defence forces, or the vigour
of military alliance with the U.S. Much more important will be an active,
imaginative effort to construct our own security with our neighbors in the
form of strong bilateral relationships and effective multilateral
institution". The answer for Paul, and the other advocates of the New World
Order's secret success (for the New World Order) plan, is to defeat the
enemy with 'mental masturbation'.

No Virginia, the forty Asian AirForce generals that toured all Australian
military facilities (and were not reported in any Australian media - I
wonder why?) were not here by accident. They are integral to the future
that the New World Order Planners have chosen for us. 

GET IT STRAIGHT. There is a plan and THEY are working to it. It is just
that you do not get to see the plan as you get the 'BREAD and CIRCUSES'
that was fed to the Roman Empire prior to its destruction; today the 'BREAD
and CIRCUSES' is called "TITTY-TAINMENT". 


Thus today the main aim of THE NATIONAL WATCHMAN UPDATEs is to prepare
Australia for the coming New World Order. It is for this reason that my
newspaper always carries the headline. 

"Bringing you step by step to an understanding of the coming New World
Order and associated One World Government. Yes, there is time to prepare
but you must listen to The National Watchman."

This of course leaves another question. Why do I send out this information?
Firstly note the following,

"But if the watchman sees the sword come and blow not the trumpet, and the
people be not warned; if the sword come and take any person from among
them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the
watchman’s hand"  (Ezekiel 33:6)

Thus the answer is simple. Your blood will not be upon my hands.

Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons)
The National Watchman
Australian Community Organisation
P.O. Box 136, Surry Hills NSW  2010 

Phone   : (02) 9360 0610  
Website : 

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