Lot 7 Runnymede Estate Rd
Nanango, 4615
(07) 41-632-423 (ah)
Gun web-site-
I am still being blocked by the Queensland Parliament E-mail Server
Could any one receiving this email forward it on to the Queensland Parliamentarians listed in the "To" box
GUN LAWS and the Military killing Civilians (Again)
On the 24 August 2000 five Police officers with a warrent searched my home and found and CONFISCATED one .22 BARREL and the STOCK of one .22 semi- auto rifle.
Yesterday (11 September 2000) the Police were directed to proceed with prosecution. I was summonsed to appear in Kingaroy Magistrates Court on the 5 October 2000 for POSSESSION OF A WEAPON WHILE UNLICENCED- that weapon is the STOCK (and NOTHING more) of a .22  rifle.
It seems that I am a dangerous person with an unlicenced piece of wood.
The .22 barrel confiscated during the same search will be returned to me and I will NOT be charged with its possession.
Last week the MAJOR political parties (ALP, Nats, LIBS) approved the DEFENCE LEGISLATON AMENDMENT BILL in the SENATE
The MINOR political parties in the Senate opposed the amendment bill.
The Bill now only has to be rubber stamped by the Governor General and it will become law. This is only a formality. Unlike in the USA where the President has veto power the Governor General ALWAYS obeys Government recommendations
The Defence Act will ALLOW the army to be sent in to the States to protect Commonwealth interests threatened by DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (whatever that is)
It ALLOWS Military personnel (trained to kill as a FIRST RESORT) to kill Australian civilians
it ALLOWS those military personnel to be protected from prosecution for killing Civilians
I ask all who receive this e-mail to protest the loss of freedoms of both individuals and the States in Australia by the use of the military against civilians.
Please pass this email to friends and/or email your protest and this email to the politicians below
Thank you
Below- me digging a garden to pay my "debt to society" for the unlicenced possession of 2 air rifles and 2 bolt action .22 rifles
The ground is rock hard because of lack of rain so I flooded the area to soften the so called soil. I will be planting drought resistant Australian shrubs

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