Dear Cameron Walker,
Protesting in the streets may get media attention but will not defeat the evils of globalization.
There is only one formula to beat or nullify injustice and that is through the courts.  By that I do not mean allowing judges to determine any issue because they are part of the "elite", themselves, or they are simply stooges.
Here is the method: 
1.    File a Statement of Claim in a State Supreme Court which has "plenary jurisdiction" suing the Crown, under the Crown Proceedings Act, for Tort or Civil Wrong and accusing an individual or group of public servants, eg: parliamentarians, using the Vicarious Liablity Act which holds the Crown liable for what the public servants have done.
2.    File a Requisition for Trial by Jury because you want a Tribunal of the People to decide the issues.  A Fully Informed Jury decide what are the facts, what is the law, judge the justice of the law, and vote entirely on their conscience.
3.    When in court and a judge tries to frustrate going to a jury, simply point out that no judicial officer can judge any part of the case because all judicial officers are employed by the Defendant (Crown) and cannot judge in their own cause.
This is why the "elite" want to abolish juries because they know that is the only way they can be defeated.
If you want to look at my website - in particular - you will see I am suing the Crown for Unlawful Imprisonment and am due back in court on 9 November, 2000.
Of course, you know about banks creating money, which is the greatest act of criminality ever devised, ie:  when someone asks for a loan, the bank create that amount out of thin air, deposit it to their own account, lend it out and the borrower has to repay that money plus interest.  In other the words, the banks use the excuse provided by the borrower to generat their own wealth ..... nice work, if you can get it!!!!
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

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