Dear Fellow Australians,
A show on SBS television aroused my curiosity about how Muslims might lend money because, apparently, trade is fundamental to their culture.
I phoned the Muslim Community Co-Operative (Australia) Ltd and was sent some literature on the Muslim Community Credit Union Ltd.  Their booklet says "Transactions involving interest are completely excluded.".
This ties in with a search of the Holy Quran on Yahoo for the word "usury" which says that "God hath permitted trade and forbidden usury" and those "who repeat (The Offence) are companions of the Fire: They will abide therein (for ever)" etc.
A book entitled "Lightning Over the Treasury Building" (author escapes me), Chapter II, says "For centuries, in England, the christians were taught, and believed, that it was contrary to Christian ethics to loan money at usury, or interest. During those centuries the Church and the State saw eye to eye, for they were practically one and the same. It was, therefore, not only un-Christian, but illegal to loan money at interest.  The laws of King Alfred, in the Tenth Century, provided that the effects and lands of those who loaned money upon interest should be forfeited to the crown and the lender should not be buried in consecrated ground." etc.
We, dumb Christians, seem to have "lost the plot" and let the banks become our masters, financially, politically, socially and morally.  Those banks think we are so completely stupid that they, not only impose usury on us, but create the money they lend us "out of thin air" and reap returns which we cannot begin to calculate.
If this were a Harold Robbins' novel, it would be ridiculed as unbelievable nonsense - a fantasy to end all fantasies.
Will we Christians ever wake up?
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson..

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