Dear Sheree,

Thank you for the email.  J.A.I.L. is an important venture but to think that
new laws are necessary is wrong and playing right into the hands of the
enemy because, by people accepting that premise, means that what the banks
and judges are doing is legal --- it is not.  The laws are there to hammer
these criminals - they will pretend they are not, but that is their game of

Educate the public?  Sure! Twelve at a time.

Refusing Discovery is just as much a crime as the Fraud and Corrupt, in the
first place.

Juries are our ONLY means of achieving Truth and Justice - as well as
enforcing our existing Laws.

Those Juries must be FULLY INFORMED (Please look at )

The Conspiracy to Defraud and Subjugate is very much a reality.  It is so
well entrenched, that even the public are unaware that there could be any
other alternative administration.  It is so well entrenched, that the public
are frightened of change.

A few years ago,  radio talk-back personality told me, on air, "Don't bother
to fight. The bad guys have already won." (Brian Wilshire on station 2GB,

But the fighting is not over until the last Patriot is dead.

Yes,  educate the public - but the media are on the side of the enemy.
Having rallies and protests are exercises in futility.

Educate the public, in the Courts,  12 at a time.  Those 12 must be fully
informed jurors.  That is the only way to inform, while bringing about
Redress and Remedy.

Don't be conned into wasting energies on political campaigns to influence
the masses - they will end up by having committees and leaving the
responsibility someone else - and that "someone else" becomes someone else,

Better that ten, or a hundred, or a thousand individuals take their
individual case to a Jury for an individual resolution which will have the
authority of the Court to enforce Right.

(Sorry, Sheree, for the "soap box").

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sherree Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 28 May 2001 4:35
Subject: the basis for it all

>I am a J.A.I.L. member from Florida.
>Over the past months I have been researching the banking codes, such as
>title 12 and title 50.
>The Judges, and banks are denying public access to these, and are
>violating their own laws.
>The corruption is world wide, power and money, it is all part of the big
>picture for world takeover by
>a select group.
>Please give me your comments, as I take the time to read your book on
>line, and explore your site.
>Also, we must find a way to educate the general populace, we need
>education, but how do we reach the people...they are shutting us up,
>with imprisonment if we persist.

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