Dear Ron,
I appreciate your email.
The USA Constitution is probably the best known in the world.
However, the Australian Constitution is the best in the world because our ancestors took yours and dissected it.  Then they combined all the best features of English Common Law and formulated our Constitution.  Ours has the advantage of being based on being "under the Crown" and the Crown is bound to the Coronation Oath - which, in turn, commits the Queen/King the Holy Bible and to "execute Law and Justice with Mercy in all her (his) Judgments".  The "Law" means English Common Law of magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Petition of Rights, Habeas Corpus, etc.. The Queen, at the Coronation, accepts the Holy Bible as "royal Law", ie:  that all Law adheres to the 2 Commandments of "love God" and "love your neighbour". King Alfred in 891 A.D. decreed that all English Law conform to the Commandments. Therefore,  anyone (including judges) swearing the Oath of Allegiance "to be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty", is bound by in the same way.
Perhaps that is a long-winded way of saying that Australian heritage is the same as the American experience - with the execept that the Americans broke away, by way of the War of Independence, and hurriedly had to put together their own Bill of Rights in order to maintain the protections they enjoyed "under the Crown".
Our problem is that Judicial Corruption has become endemic with the Banks in absolute control of our Parliaments and Courts.
All we have to do is fight our enemies with what we already have, ie:  English Common Law.  This requires persistence because, eventually,  Truth and Justice will re-emerge.
The concept of J.A.I.L. is excellent and should be pursued throughout the world.  In America, you have a head-start because I get the feeling that Judicial Honesty is more immediately achievable. Perhaps it is your greater love of country and more willingness to fight to protect it and your children.
Americans are in the vanguard.  God give you strength.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 
-----Original Message-----
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 27 May 2001 18:00
Subject: J.A.I.L. In Australia?

I have pursued your website and find the information not only interesting, but not so different from the situation that we have here in the United States. The difficulty I am having is that people tend to think that "that's a foreign country, and does not affect here."
While the JAIL4Judges objective pertains with the U.S. judges being held to the standards of United States Constitution, we are more and more receiving mail from foreign countries asking about how J.A.I.L. may be of help with their country.
Sorry to have to say, but reasonably expected, I have no knowledge of the "Constitutions" of any country outside the U.S. However, I am getting the distinct feeling that many foreigners are not only watching what we are doing here, but are considering how J.A.I.L. may be adapted to their respective countries. This is good thinking, but requires the self-imagination and leadership of the right person to strike out and run with it "foreign."
In writing this initiative, I never once gave a thought of this as adaptable to foreign interests, as my "world" is the United States. My eyes, mind and spirit are evermore being awakened as to my shortsightedness. Where does one begin? How can one do something about a country in which he knows nothing about? I will let you enlighten me on that point. All I can say is that it appears that J.A.I.L. (in whatever form it may arise) is the need of the world. But I feel so very helpless. Are you the man for Australia?  Instruct me, please.
Ronald Branson
PS - I note that you requested to be on our mailings over a month ago. By responding to this email, I am concurrently blindly c.c.'ing many others who may be in touch with you on this. God bless you Mr. Wilson. Let me know your thoughts.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: Spreading the word about Judges

Dear Sirs,
I am having a battle with Australian Judges over the right to Trial by Jury.
Is it possible to send my bulletins to someone in your organization for perusal and possible relaying to your mailing list?
John Wilson.

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