Ed Summers wrote:
Hi Michael,

Figure 3 *almost* has what I was looking for, but it's still relating
the sets of resources (the data provider). I'm thinking of a
resource-centric illustration, take for example:


which has then links out to OpenCyc, Eurostat, Geonames and Umbel, and
the assertions that can be found in those data sets.

The idea is to show how different data provider communities can help
build descriptions of resources that fit their specific communities,
while still contributing to a larger more comprehensive and
multi-faceted description that is distributed on and retrievable from
the web.

Thanks for responding, maybe I'll just use Figure 3 and gesture at the
idea with words (so I can have that beer).



Evolution of the LOD Cloud links are as follows:

In the beginning instance level links between data set individuals via owl:sameAs. When Yago first emerged, only the named entity links where applied, which kept the links as owl:sameAs, solely. Then we added the Yago Class Hierarchy to the mix which resulted in rdf:type links between DBpedia and Yago plus inference rules. Last week, we added UMBEL links to the mix which, like Yago, adds rdf:type links between DBpedia and UMBEL and OpenCyc, and of course an additional set of inference rules. We will also be taking a closer look at DBpedia and OpenCyc so that we can also add explicity rdf:type links between DBpedia and OpenCyc to complement the individual level owl:sameAs links between DBpedia and OpenCyc (all in all just another relationship vector).

To conclude, the LOD cloud, courtesy of DBpedia's rdf:type links (*which need to be emphasized in the cloud*), is no longer a data space held together by owl:sameAs linkage solely. Naturally, this is an immense improvement as we broaden our horizons toward audiences beyond core Semantic Web communities :-)



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President & CEO OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com

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