Kingsley Idehen wrote:
Hugh Glaser wrote:
An interesting question - should be a classic for Linked Data.
As I understand it, your primary problem for New Zealand is that there is no reliable information about the administrative geography. It doesn't help for New Zealand (!), but for the UK you could use the Ordnance Survey's, which can be found in RDF via
We have made it linked data at, with a SPARQL endpoint if you want it. (If people are doing this sort of thing (if you thought of doing some of it yourself), then reusing the OS ontology might be a good idea.)

For the UK, it would be a case of jumping (follow-your-nose) backwards and forwards between the os and dbpedia, I suggest, using the os to find the inclusion and dbpedia to find the knowledge. This afternoon I did a bunch of links between them (the bigger areas and towns), to let you have a go if you like, and these can be found at our os coreference service (crs) at

By the way, if you want an easy way of finding out what URIs might tell you what is known about a particular place (or anything), you could try our sameAs service at
So New Zealand would be And Wellington
and you can follow-your-nose from there.

Assuming you sent this response before mine re. . How does the following not resolve this problem:

1. Go to
2. Enter pattern: New Zealand
3. Use "Type" and/or "Property" to  locate what you want
4. Once found, click on "statistics" link


I should have added:

5. look at: (do use the "retry" button to maximize results)



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