On 25/05/2009 00:40, "Kingsley Idehen" <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:

> Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Hugh Glaser wrote:
>>> An interesting question - should be a classic for Linked Data.
>>> As I understand it, your primary problem for New Zealand is that
>>> there is no reliable information about the administrative geography.
>>> It doesn't help for New Zealand (!), but for the UK you could use the
>>> Ordnance Survey's, which can be found in RDF via
>>> http://osdir.com/ml/web.semantic.linking-open-data/2008-05/msg00011.html
>>> We have made it linked data at os.rkbexplorer.com, with a SPARQL
>>> endpoint if you want it.
>>> (If people are doing this sort of thing (if you thought of doing some
>>> of it yourself), then reusing the OS ontology might be a good idea.)
>>> For the UK, it would be a case of jumping (follow-your-nose)
>>> backwards and forwards between the os and dbpedia, I suggest, using
>>> the os to find the inclusion and dbpedia to find the knowledge.
>>> This afternoon I did a bunch of links between them (the bigger areas
>>> and towns), to let you have a go if you like, and these can be found
>>> at our os coreference service (crs) at
>>> http://os.rkbexplorer.com/crs/
>>> By the way, if you want an easy way of finding out what URIs might
>>> tell you what is known about a particular place (or anything), you
>>> could try our sameAs service at
>>> http://www.rkbexplorer.com/sameAs/?uri=
>>> So New Zealand would be
>>> http://www.rkbexplorer.com/sameAs/?uri=http://dbpedia.org/resource/New_Zeala
>>> nd
>>> And Wellington
>>> and you can follow-your-nose from there.
>> Hugh,
>> Assuming you sent this response before mine re.
>> http://lod.openlinksw.com . How does the following not resolve this
>> problem:
>> 1. Go to http://lod.openlinksw.com
>> 2. Enter pattern: New Zealand
>> 3. Use "Type" and/or "Property" to  locate what you want
>> 4. Once found, click on "statistics" link
>> Kingsley
> I should have added:
> 5. look at: http://lod.openlinksw.com/fct/facet.vsp?cmd=load&fsq_id=3011
> (do use the "retry" button to maximize results)
Hi Kingsley,
Actually, I think I had seen your response.
In answer to your question, it is different ­ most obviously it uses
different sources.
And of course in the Linked Data world, using different sources will deliver
different results; it is never the case that one source has all the
More fundamentally, the process you present seems to be based on strings.
I think the whole point about Linked Data is that we do not rely on the
string matching, but use URIs.
That is exactly what Richard was trying to do; having found a URI such as
http://dbpedia.org/resource/New_Zealand that he is satisfied captures the
concept with which he is concerned, he now wants to explore what is known
about it in the Linked Data world, without going back to the text world.
And I don¹t think he wanted to do any clicking ­ he wanted to just script it
all up in a reliable Linked Data sort of way.

PS By the way, I tried putting his New Zealand and Wellington URIs into the
URI Lookup search box at http://lod.openlinksw.com/fct/ and can¹t seem to
get anything as it always only offers stuff with them extended by #... ­
presumably I am doing something wrong?
PPS I don¹t see a ³retry² button.

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