On Sat, 2009-12-12 at 21:42 +0000, Jeni Tennison wrote:
> To put this in context, what I think we should aim for is a pure  
> publishing format that is optimised for approachability for normal  
> developers, *not* an interchange format. RDF/JSON [1] and the SPARQL  
> results JSON format [2] aren't entirely satisfactory as far as I'm  
> concerned because of the way the objects of statements are represented
> as JSON objects rather than as simple values. 

jsonGRDDL <http://buzzword.org.uk/2008/jsonGRDDL/spec> provides a method
of mapping from more human-friendly JSON formats to RDF/JSON. (Much like
GRDDL does mapping XML to RDF/XML.) Essentially you want the inverse.

It seems to me that for a format to be very human-friendly, it helps for
it to be fairly domain-specific. For example, if you know you're
modelling people, then it makes sense to have the "sex" property as a
single value, but telephone number, e-mail address, and perhaps even
name might be arrays.

With a deep enough OWL ontology (so that it can be figured out which
properties are singular and plural), I suppose you could get software to
do a reasonably good job creating these human-friendly formats from RDF

Toby A Inkster

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