Georgi you are mistaken. Links to resources or even simple things such as reusing labels are already saving me time and money when building apps for customers. in reality I get more than labels, I get maps, relations, etc which otherwise would have been costly to attain. Also, the exploration of datasets by jumping links is a great way to attain insights an ideas. Intranet-wise, linkeddata is a killer app and I have hard, front line evidence.

On Apr 9, 2010, at 11:13, "Georgi Kobilarov" <> wrote:

Hi Bernard,

well, why did I ask people to write about their ideas for apps?
My observation is that there are zero real apps using linked open data (i.e.
data from "the cloud"). Not even a single one. Null.
After 3 years of "linking open data"...

There are applications that re-use identifiers, and there are applications that use single, hand-picked data sources. But let's be honest, that's not "using the linked data cloud". So, why's that? There must be a reason. Which
part of the ecosystem sucks?

In my opinion we won't get to solve that question if we stick to "linked data will save the planet, one day". But instead, figure out which apps people would want to build now, and then see why it's not possible. If it doesn't work on the small scale of some simple app, how will linked data
ever save our planet?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Vatant []
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 12:25 PM
To: Georgi Kobilarov
Cc: public-lod
Subject: Re: What would you build with a web of data?

Hi Georgi
Copying below the comment I just posted on ReadWriteWeb. Looks like a
rant, but could have been worse ... I could have added that if the Web of Data is used to find out more cute cats images, well, I wonder what I do
this boat.
I'm amazed, not to say frightened, by the egocentrism and lack of
imagination of the applications proposed so far. Will the Web of Data be
effective tool for tackling our planet critical issues, or just another
toy for
spoiled children of the Web?
I would like to see the Web of Data enable people anywhere in the world to
find out smart, sustainable and low-cost solutions to their local
issues. What are the success (or failure) stories in e.g., farming, water
energy, education, health etc. in environments similar to mine, anywhere
the world? Something along the lines of (of
which data, BTW would be great to have in the Linked Data cloud).

2010/4/9 Georgi Kobilarov <>
Yesterday issued a challenge on my blog for ideas for concrete linked open data applications. Because talking about concrete apps helps shaping the roadmap for the technical questions for the linked data community ahead.
real questions, not the theoretical ones...

Richard MacManus of ReadWriteWeb picked up the challenge:

Let's be creative about stuff we'd build with the web of data. Assume the
Linked Data Web would be there already, what would build?


Georgi Kobilarov
Uberblic Labs Berlin

Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

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