On Jan 17, 2011, at 13:16, Nathan wrote:

> Dave Reynolds wrote:
>> On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 16:52 +0000, Nathan wrote: 
>>> I'd suggest that it's a little more complex than that, and that this may be 
>>> an issue to clear up in the next RDF WG (it's on the charter I believe).
>> I beg to differ.
>> The charter does state: "Clarify the usage of IRI references for RDF 
>> resources, e.g., per SPARQL
>> Query ยง1.2.4."
>> However, I was under the impression that was simply removing the small
>> difference between "RDF URI References" and the IRI spec (that they had
>> anticipated). Specifically I thought the only substantive issue there
>> was the treatment of space and many RDF processors already take the
>> conservation position on that anyway.
> Likewise, apologies as I should have picked my choice of words more 
> appropriately, I intended to say that the usage of IRI references was up for 
> clarification, and if normalization were deemed an issue then the RDF WG may 
> be the place to raise such an issue, and address if needed.

I agree with that.  The treatment of spaces is an example in the charter, not a 
constraint.  Clarification may also occur in the updated RDF Primer if the 
community deems it necessary.


> As for RIF and GRDDL, can anybody point me to the reasons why normalization 
> are not performed, does this have xmlns heritage?
> Best,
> Nathan

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