
On 20.01.2011, at 15:40, Nathan wrote:

David Booth wrote:
On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 13:08 +0000, Dave Reynolds wrote:
[ . . . ]

To make sure that dereference returns what I expect, independent of
aliasing, then I should publish data with explicit base URIs (or just absolute URIs). Publishing with relative URIs and no base is a recipe for having your data look different from different places. Just don't do
This advice sounds like an excellent candidate for publication in a best practices document. And if it is merely best practice guidance, perhaps
that *is* something that the new RDF working group could address.

+1 from me, address at the publishing phase, allow at the consuming phase, keep comparison simple.

I am not sure whether you are also talking of RDFa, but in case you do, I would like to add the following:

Our experiences with helping about 2,000 sites with adding GoodRelations via our form-based tools shows that

1. RDFa is in many cases the only viable way for people to publish RDF
2. They can often not control and not even predict the exact URI of the page that will contain the markup (imagine "uncool" URIs loaded with parameters etc.)

In those scenarios, relative URIs are essential.

We even recommend that people include an empty

   <div rel="foaf:page" resource=""></div>

at the proper position in the nesting so that there will be a link between the data entity and the page that contains it.


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