You're welcome to read the public project description, in which there's plenty of provision for dog food.

I ask because it seemed like you might have some specific idea on encoding - we wouldn't set out to teach anything if we were so green as to need the 'just a Turtle file is enough' pep talk.


On 29/03/13 14:12, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 3/29/13 9:59 AM, Barry Norton wrote:

Kingsley, do you have a particular form in mind?

You mean an ontology for product descriptions for the Turtle doc? If that's the question, then not specifically, because I am actually trying (once again) to get this community to use this as a dog-food exercise.

I've suggested to Maria a simple SKOS taxonomy reflecting the organisation of tools in the curriculum, tagging DoaP descriptions (retrieved or reconstructed).

That's a good start. The key is that the Turtle doc gets published, then my hope is that the community evolves it across the TBox, RBox, and ABox dimensions. In the process, we also setup context for some RWW Linked Data and the utility of WebID based ACLs etc..

I'm particularly interested in EUCLID as we're committed to monitoring the discussion on fora such as this, and this would be a great source of both labels and aggregation (there are some tools whose mention is rather seldom - certainly a few have come up that I hadn't heard of).

Rather than fixed Turtle I'd provide an endpoint at the project server, together with the monitoring results.

I there's a SPARQL endpoint that can emit Turtle via SPARQL Protocol URLs that's fine too since those interested than then fork, tweak, and make pull requests etc..

If this goes to Github, then that's fine too, making Linked Data from Github data is already delivered by URIBurner etc.

Examples W3C Groups:

JSON-LD (Github):

[1] -- Overview by Issue Creators ( data space) using Faceted Browsing Interface [2] -- Basic Linked Data Description (see page footer for alternative description graph representation formats).

Linked Data Platform Group (W3C Tracker):

[1] -- Overview by Issue Creators ( data space) . [2] -- Overview by Issue Creators (URIBurner data space by changing _hostname_ [_authority_] part of URI to "")

WebID Community Group (W3C Tracker):

[1] -- Overview by Issue Creator ( data space) . [2] -- Overview by Issue Creator (URIBurner data space by changing _hostname_ [_authority_] part of URI to "").



On 29/03/13 13:50, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 3/29/13 9:41 AM, Maria Maleshkova wrote:
Thank you for the feedback!

I am currently collecting as many visualisation-tools and have to started to classify them a bit, to list the type of functionalities that they support and the level of maturity of the implementation (prototype vs. product)
This is why the list in the outline was a bit incomplete.

Naturally, I will post the results here, hoping to get them ready quire soon.

What about publishing a Turtle doc?

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