On 13 June 2013 19:19, David Booth <da...@dbooth.org> wrote:

> [Sidebar: A term of art is "A word or phrase that has special
> meaning in a particular context". (The Free Dictionary)]
> A heated debate has been raging about the accepted meaning
> of the term "Linked Data" in the context of the Semantic
> Web community -- whether or not this term implies the use
> of RDF.  Since this depends on people's perceptions of the
> term's meaning, rather than an official definition, a simple
> poll has been created to settle this debate quantitatively.
> The poll asks:
>     In normal usage within the Semantic Web community,
>     does the term "Linked Data" imply the use of RDF?

"Within the Semantic Web Community" -- isnt that something of a tautology?

And doesnt the semantic web community have a separate list and interest
group, this one?

> http://goo.gl/cbyQd
> 1. One vote per person.  Persons with multiple email
> addresses are prohibited from voting more than once.
> 2. To prevent ballot stuffing, only votes from those who
> have **previously posted a message** on a public W3C email
> list (*before* 13-Jun-2013) will be counted.  The W3C
> email search form will be used to ensure compliance:
> http://goo.gl/aqtGW
> 3. To ensure that votes are counted correctly (and to
> detect forged ballots), all votes will be verified and
> listed publicly at
> http://goo.gl/PXhRG
> Results of this poll may be viewed at
> http://goo.gl/GMeom
> (NOTE: The "View all responses" link on that page is
> auto-generated and cannot be disabled.  Unfortunately it
> links to the *editable* version of the response list,
> which should not be shared, so please do not request
> it.  The link above at #3 shows the same list in
> read-only mode.)
> Thank you,
> David Booth
> P.S. Please restrict follow-up discussion about this poll to
> public-lod@w3.org

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