There's actually no real-world implication of having a single unique
definition for Linked Data.

The Web works quite successfully, and still each one of us probably holds a
different definition of it. For me it's CSS+HTML+HTTP. For others it's
HTTP+HTML+JavaScript. For others it's probably just HTTP, or even something

It doesn't matter. The Web works, and having a single unique definition of
it won't change anything.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Kingsley Idehen <>wrote:

> On 6/14/13 4:36 AM, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
>> "Explain Linked Data to me like I'm 5"
>> Gather the answers, classify etc. The definition that's perceived by the
>> community may not necessarily be "this" or "that" regardless of the recent
>> discussions.
>> Aside: Personally I think this discussion is important as long as there
>> is a visible outcome for the better. It hits a pet-peeve of mine and
>> others. For instance, if we go with the strict SemWeb, RDF and friends view
>> of "Linked Data", the public-lod and semantic-web mailing lists are
>> practically hijacked with announcements that requests research paper
>> submissions to be in PDF. Apparently the community is cool with the idea
>> that as long as the calls are made by gatherings with "Semantic Web" or
>> "Linked Data" in their title, they can have a go with whatever is suitable
>> for them. What this tells me is that, on one hand some (majority?) of the
>> SW/LD community loves to side with the most recent definition of TimBL's
>> DesignIssues/LinkedData, on another they are willing to cut corners and
>> look the other way when it truly comes to eating their own dogfood.
>> So, can anyone explain to me what is the real-world implication of having
>> the definition one way or another especially when the SW/LD community has a
>> difficulty getting its act together to stick to those "guidelines"?
>> -Sarven
> +1
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web:
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> Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
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