
this [1] [2] should give you an example of a working webID (i can log
into my-profile for example).

do you have a public key specified in your webID?

you can test your webID here :
1. hit Utils and the below Parser, enter your webID and hit "Parse URI"
to see if there are any rdf troubles
2. if parsing is ok and you have a browser certificate installed, hit
"Debug" in the main menu. It will ask you to choose one of your browser
certificates. Choose one and hit ok. It should give you an idea if
there's something wrong with your certificate and/or webID.

wkr jürgen


On Tue, 2013-08-06 at 11:37 +0000, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> Well, RWW.IO looked exciting, so I decided to start with it.
> And it seemed a good idea to have an account, so I decided I would finally 
> create a WebID login - I know that lots of people think that this is the Way 
> Ahead.
> I have a foaf file (actually more than one), and trawling the web, it seems 
> that I if I have a foaf file I can use it for WebID.
> I certainly don't want to create it on some other site - I need another 
> account like I need a hole in the head - in fact, that is what is meant to be 
> good about WebID!
> Surely it isn't "Just one last new account".
> Anyway, you can guess that a while later I still don't seem to have managed 
> it.
> I have read any number of pages that give me "simple" guides to doing stuff, 
> with links to things that should help, etc. (often dead).
> I confess that I was definitely looking for the easiest way - for example, 
> downloading a program to run just doesn't seem the sort of thing I want to do 
> for something that is meant to be simple.
> Sorry if that all sounds provocative, but I am a bit frustrated!
> So have I missed something here?
> Is there really not a page that will really work for me?
> I'm using Safari on a Mac, by the way.
> And I'm trying to login in to
> Best
> Hugh

| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
| Software Developer
| Semantic Web Company GmbH
| Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
| A - 1070 Wien, Austria
| Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22

| web       :
| foaf      :
| web       :
| foaf      :
| g+        :
| skype     : jakobitsch-punkt
| xmlns:tg  = "";

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