On 6 Aug 2013, at 22:17, Hugh Glaser <h...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> *Conclusion*
> So, as a mac user, the pages I found most useful were
> https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/posts/62pFBxAm7Ev
> to generate the cert
> and
> https://webid.turnguard.com/WebIDTestServer/debug
> to check I had it right.
> Also, http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebID told me what the RDF should look like.
> It still seems to me that this is not a technology that is very useable - it 
> really shouldn't have taken so many messages to help me!
> I was thinking of setting up for my users to use WebID on a little social 
> networking site I have, but I think I will give it a miss for the moment!

Hugh, if you use an end user directed service such as https://my-profile.eu you 
can get a certificate in one click.
If you choose to use the hard way, by doing everything by hand then things get 
complicated. But then you could argue
that HTTP is complicated too, if you tried to write one by hand.

The video on https://webid.info/ shows just how simple things can be.


Social Web Architect

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