On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Svensson, Lars <l.svens...@dnb.de> wrote:
> Mark,
>> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 7:05 AM, Martynas Jusevičius
>> <marty...@graphity.org> wrote:
>> > On the other hand, it seems like you want different descriptions of a
>> > resource -- so it seems to me that these should in fact be different
>> > resources? That could be split into
>> > http://example.org/some/resource/dcat and
>> > http://example.org/some/resource/premis, for example.
>> ^ This.
> Can you please elaborate a bit on this? I'm not quite sure I get your point.

Only that IME, having separate URIs is almost always the best option
because it allows problems to be solved within the linked data model

To your mobile-optimized page example, I'd add that from a REST POV,
that is a separate resource because representations are consistently
different (aka they have different membership functions).

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