On 6/11/15 8:25 AM, Steffen Lohmann wrote:
Hi all,

last week we presented a prototype at ESWC that implements our VOWL-based visual query language (QueryVOWL) for SPARQL-based Linked Data querying. Check it out at: http://queryvowl.visualdataweb.org

Note that it has mainly been developed to demonstrate the QueryVOWL approach and should not be considered a mature tool (e.g., it contains some known bugs). It does also not implement all current features of the visual language that are described at http://vowl.visualdataweb.org/queryvowl/v1/index.html

The web demo is configured for the DBpedia endpoint. It can only be used if the DBpedia endpoint is available and may slow down if many people access it simultaneously. For these cases, we also provide a short screencast of the tool.

Great Stuff.

Please note, rather than depending solely on the DBpedia endpoint, why not consider the following backup endpoints which also include DBpedia data:

1. http://lod.openlinksw.com -- this is a cluster edition of Virtuoso that includes DBpedia data in the same <http://dbpedia.org> named graph 2. http://dbpedia-live.openlinksw.com -- a mirror with close to real-time update from Wikpedia.


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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