Thanks for your comments, Timothy, Alfredo, Kingsley.

An export function is a good idea. However, note that you can use the printing functionality of your web browser to generate a PDF (or similar output) of the visualization (if you have a corresponding printing driver installed on your machine). This PDF can then easily be transformed into other formats (SVG, EPS, PNG, etc.). Of course, an export function like in WebVOWL would be more comfortable.

An interactive VOWL visualization cannot be extracted from the QueryVOWL prototype at the moment. But the SPARQL code of the created QueryVOWL graph can easily be copied to the clipboard with the button at the top of the results table. This is hopefully helpful to people who do not speak SPARQL (fluently).

@Kingsley: I added the DBpedia Live endpoint to the web demo. Thanks for the suggestion.


On 11.06.2015 16:08, Alfredo Serafini wrote:
I like very much the perspective of QueryVOWL, it seems to be very intuitive and useful. If I can suggest: it could be great to have an "export" function to create a (live or static) standalone graph visualization, to be embedded elsewhere, a sort of VOWL-lite derived from the editing with QueryOWL.
This should help people adopt it in vaious context.
If there is already, all my apologies in advance (I'm always too much distract :-)

thanks, great work

2015-06-11 15:57 GMT+02:00 Timothy W. Cook < <>>:

    THanks for sharing this.  Very interesting and potentially very
    useful work you are doing.

    On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 9:25 AM, Steffen Lohmann
    <>> wrote:

        Hi all,

        last week we presented a prototype at ESWC that implements our
        VOWL-based visual query language (QueryVOWL) for SPARQL-based
        Linked Data querying. Check it out at:

        Note that it has mainly been developed to demonstrate the
        QueryVOWL approach and should not be considered a mature tool
        (e.g., it contains some known bugs). It does also not
        implement all current features of the visual language that are
        described at

        The web demo is configured for the DBpedia endpoint. It can
        only be used if the DBpedia endpoint is available and may slow
        down if many people access it simultaneously. For these cases,
        we also provide a short screencast of the tool.

        That being said, enjoy the demo (or video)!

        On behalf of the QueryVOWL team,

-- Dr. Steffen Lohmann . Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
        University of Stuttgart . Universitaetstrasse 38 . D-70569
        Phone: +49 711 685-88438 <tel:%2B49%20711%20685-88438>

    Timothy Cook
    LinkedIn Profile:
    MLHIM <>

Dr. Steffen Lohmann . Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
University of Stuttgart . Universitaetstrasse 38 . D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685-88438 .

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