On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 23:17:24 +0200, Olli Pettay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
the draft says that the initial value for upload complete flag is false
and then there are several ways to get it set to true. But when is the value set back to false if XHR object is reused?

Perhaps '3.5.3 Initiating a Request', right after step 2?

I made it step 6 as that also addresses your subsequent comment:

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:26:17 +0200, Olli Pettay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
currently per the draft 'abort' and 'error' events are always
dispatched to .upload, even if there isn't anything to upload.
'loadstart', 'progress' and 'load' are dispatched only if
request entity body is not empty.
I think the same restriction should apply to 'abort' and 'error' too.

One way to solve this and the upload complete flag handling problem is
to set the flag to true in send() if request body is empty.


For reference, this was in reply to:


Anne van Kesteren

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