On Jan 26, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Alex Russell wrote:
Can this be represented in a :not() clause somehow? Foisting more work onto script is the wrong answer.


How about "not yet"?

Needing to do this filtering in script is clearly a spec bug. QSA is already littered with them, but an inability to filter an intrinsic property of a tag in the query language that's native to the platform is tactable. We just need to invent a pseudo-property for elements which can be matched by a ":not([someProperty=<your_ns_here>])".

The SVG WG explicitly requested an example illustrating how to filter elements based on the namespace URI that works in the general case, given that there is no longer a namespace prefix resolution mechanism supported in this version of the API.

So they obliquely pointed out a spec bug. Don't get me wrong, I'm no lover of namespaces. Frankly I think they're a bug. But SVG is stuck w/ 'em until it can find a way to evolve out of the XML ooze. Until that time, we must surely be able to do better by folks who want to try to make the platform feel unified, no?


I'm well aware that with the specific markup example given in the spec, the selector "svg>video" would have the same result in this case, but that doesn't work for the general case, which is what the SVG WG wanted to see.

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