Bryan, Marcos, All,

Among the areas we need contributions:

* The "red block" issues in the specs as well as inputs to address open actions and Issues:


* Widgets test suite - does BONDI have something we can use? I don't understand how they will objectively evaluate the "goodness" of their Release Candidate without some type of test suite so surely they must have something.

* Issue #16 URI scheme spec - no one has yet agreed to take the lead on this spec:


* Window Modes specs - I expect Marcos or Arve to let us know what specific contributions they want

* Widget security model - we've talked about the need for this model but no one has agreed to lead it. For starters, we will need to document the relevant use cases and requirements. It may also make sense to document/investigate related work ongoing as as well as prior standardization work.

Regarding adding an Editor to any of the specs we have published at least once (P&C, A&E, DigSig), unless the Editor(s) indicate otherwise, I am not aware of any opportunities.

-Regards, Art Barstow

On Mar 6, 2009, at 8:34 AM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:

I was going to suggest that Bryan work on Widgets 1.0: Updates. It is
currently the only spec not being actively worked on.

However, Bryan, if you feel strongly about contributing to any other
of the specs, then please do not hesitate to nominate a spec and
section to work on. We could certainly use a hand with the new media
query specs [1].

If you don't already have it, MikeSmith can set you up with CVS access.

Kind regards,


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Sullivan, Bryan <> wrote:
My regrets for this call. One input however, in the last F2F there was a call for more editors to help speed up the widgets work (part of the AI to Dave Rogers). Please let me know which specs need editors, and I will make a proposal on where I can help.

Best regards,
Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

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