On Apr 13, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Darin Fisher wrote:

> Agreed.  I certainly don't assert that whatever Chrome ships first should be 
> regarded as standard.  Our rapid release schedule depends on platform 
> features beginning life with a vendor prefix.  I believe that we goofed in 
> this case by not vendor-prefixing the slice method.  More on this below...

Vendor prefix may just add to the names developers have to juggle, and kick the 
can down the road a bit. If we can go from WD to REC with a single name and 
signature/semantics, even better.

Here is a case where hedging with a vendor prefix arguably would have helped, 
in hindsight. OTOH other HTML5 prototype implementations in the past many years 
did well to avoid vendor prefixes.

> s/Kenneth Arnold/Kenneth Russell/

Jetlag dredged up an old Unix name -- apols to Ken R.

> Blobs are views on immutable data.  WebKit's implementation will reject reads 
> on a Blob, which points to a file that has since been modified.  (This should 
> be part of the spec if it is not.)

This does seem slightly underspecified :-P.

> One option we can consider is to rename Blob.slice to Blob.webkitSlice and 
> adopt the newer arguments.  I think we would want to similarly vendor-prefix 
> BlobBuilder and FileReader as those too are non-standard.  This change runs 
> just as much risk of breaking Chrome-specific content; however, the failure 
> mode (absence of a method) should be easier for apps to cope with.
> I'm not stating that we will do this yet.  I'm just proposing it as another 
> approach to consider.  I'll discuss this idea with others on the team 
> tomorrow.

This sounds like a good way forward for the various parties.

> By the way, I'm not too concerned about having to fix Google web apps.  I'm 
> much more concerned about third-party, Chrome-specific content available as 
> either apps or extensions through the Chrome app store.  It is hard to grep 
> for instances of Blob.slice!!

Indeed. http://codesearch.google.com's regexps are not quite up to this -- need 
to mix in some http://doctorjs.org/ and make a "semantic grep".


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