Anne van Kesteren:
> > How can Document inherit from TreeScope if it already inherits from Node?

Dimitri Glazkov:
> TreeScope is a Node.

That doesn’t work now that Web IDL allows only single inheritance.

Here is how I would write the IDL, if I understand what you want

  // augment Element with these two attributes
  partial interface Element {
    attribute ShadowRoot shadow setraises(DOMException);
    attribute String pseudo;

  // a mixin
  interface TreeScope {
    readonly TreeScope parentTreeScope;
    Element getElementById(in DOMString elementId);

  // ShadowRoot is a new type of Node
  interface ShadowRoot : Node {
    attribute bool applyAuthorSheets;
    readonly attribute Element shadowHost;
  // which has TreeScope functionality
  ShadowRoot implements TreeScope;

  // augment Document with createShadow()
  partial interface Document {
    ShadowRoot createShadow();

  // Documents also have TreeScope functioanlity
  Document implements TreeScope;

Cameron McCormack ≝

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