On Jun 30, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

> Hi Maciej!
> First off, I really appreciate your willingness to get into the mix of
> things. It's a hard problem and I welcome any help we can get to solve
> it.
> I also very much liked your outline of encapsulation and I would like
> to start using the terminology you introduced.
> I am even flattered to see the proposal you outlined, because it's
> similar to the one we originally considered as part of the first
> iteration of the API
> (https://raw.github.com/dglazkov/component-model/cbb28714ada37ddbaf49b3b2b24569b5b5e4ccb9/dom.html)
> or even earlier versions
> (https://github.com/dglazkov/component-model/blob/ed6011596a0213fc1eb9f4a12544bb7ddd4f4894/api-idl.txt)
> We did remove them however, and opted for the simplest possible API,
> which effectively only exposes the shadow DOM part of the component
> model (see my breakdown here
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011AprJun/1345.html).
> One of the things to keep in mind is that the proposal outlined in
> http://dglazkov.github.com/component-model/dom.html is by no means a
> complete component model API. It's just the smallest subset that can
> already be useful in addressing some of the use cases listed in
> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Component_Model_Use_Cases.
> It seem obvious that it is better to have few small, closely related
> useful bits that could be combined into a bigger picture rather than
> one large monolithic feature that can't be teased apart.

The problem is that some pervasive properties (encapsulation, security, etc) 
can't be added after the fact to a system that doesn't have them designed in.

> As for addressing encapsulation concerns, one of the simplest things
> we could is to introduce a flag on the ShadowRoot (we can discuss the
> default value), which if set, prohibits access to it with the
> element.shadow property.

Why is that better than my proposal? I believe all the benefits I listed for my 
proposal over yours still apply to this new proposal. Can you either rebut 
those stated benefits, or tell me what benefits this version has over mine?


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