On 7/7/11 6:00 PM, ext Adrian Bateman wrote:
We're keen to resolve the remaining issues with the WebSockets API and have a 
to get to Candidate Recommendation. From informal conversations we've had, we 
other browser vendors share this goal. I think the current WebSocket API is 
complete and meets the requirements for publishing a Last Call working draft to
encourage wider review and feedback. There are no tracker issues for 
WebSockets. Here
is my analysis of the outstanding bugs (not closed, where resolution not Fixed).
I believe the outstanding issues could be resolved as Last Call comments and 
would like
to see a CfC to publish a LCWD shortly.

I think the spirit of the publication process is that all bugs that affect an implementation should be resolved before going to LC. As such, it would be helpful if others would do as Jonas did and provide feedback on the bugs and/or Adrian's general proposal to move to LC "as is". If there is consensus within the group to go to LC with these bugs open, we can do so, but it may be preferable to do some extra work now if it can prevent the overhead of additional LCs.

12917 - "deflate-stream" should be an optional extension when establishing a 
Resolved, WontFix
MICROSOFT PROPOSAL: We strongly disagree with the API spec overruling the 
protocol spec
on what is optional in the protocol. The API spec should not normatively 
mention specific
extensions. References to "deflate-stream" should be informative and only 
provided as examples.

The bug only includes comments from IanH and Adrian. It does seem like a mismatch in requirements for deflate-stream to be optional in the protocol and mandatory in the API. What do others think about this bug?


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