On Thu, 7 Jul 2011, Adrian Bateman wrote:
> 10213 - The definition of "absolute url" makes https:foo not an absolute url
> Open, Assigned to Adam Barth
> MICROSOFT PROPOSAL: Section 3 of the protocol spec
> (http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-09#section-3)
>  shows the
> valid syntax for a ws-URI. We believe the API should throw a SYNTAX_ERR if 
> the address
> supplied does not match this format.

This isn't really a WebSocket bug, it's a URL bug. There's just no URL 
component. I've moved it to another component.

Having said that, there is a related problem, which is that the hybi 
working group has broken the definition of how to parse the urls. I'll 
have to update the websockets api accordingly. It's not a major issue 

> 12816 - Make second argument in constructor an object for future extensibility
> Resolved, WontFix
> MICROSOFT PROPOSAL: We think the second argument should be an object, not 
> only for future
> extensibility but to allow binaryType to be set now.

You can set binaryType now already:

   var server = new WebSocket('ws://whatwg.org/database');
   server.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';

What's wrong with this?

> 12917 - "deflate-stream" should be an optional extension when establishing a 
> connection
> Resolved, WontFix
> MICROSOFT PROPOSAL: We strongly disagree with the API spec overruling the 
> protocol spec
> on what is optional in the protocol. The API spec should not normatively 
> mention specific
> extensions. References to "deflate-stream" should be informative and only 
> provided as examples.

I strongly disagree. We must have interoperability amongst browser user 
agents. Having some support compression and others not would lead to 
authoring mistakes and will force us into either having or not having 
compression based on how big sites first get this wrong.

> 13104 - 1) ping(msg); //allow client to send server ping as per websocket 
> spec 2) onpong();
> //allow client to receive response of ping
> Open, Assigned to Ian Hickson
> MICROSOFT PROPOSAL: We don't think this is necessary.

I've closed this one (no use case was specified).

> 13178 - binaryType should be immutable after connection is established
> Open, Assigned to Ian Hickson
> MICROSOFT PROPOSAL: We'd like to see the spec updated as outlined in this bug.

That makes no sense. The whole point of the feature is to allow authors to 
handle incoming data in the most appropriate way for the next packet.

(I've skipped the editorial and pending "needsinfo" bugs.)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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