On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 00:17:30 +0200, David Flanagan <dflana...@mozilla.com> wrote:
On 8/4/11 12:21 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Alright, how about "DOM4"?

I suspect it is the inclusion of the word "core" that causes the confusion, not the lack of a version number. If you google "dom core" you get lots of hits for various old Level 2 and Level 3 specs. Given how much this spec removes from level 2 and level 3, it seem strange to give it a version number in the same series...

How about "WebDOM" instead?

I am not really a fan of the "Web" prefix anymore. It is pretty clear these are specifications for the web platform. No need to say so in the title. We prefixed it initially because we thought there would be a group of people against a somewhat drastic revision of the DOM. This turned out much better than expected so we could drop the prefix. I think we are now at the point where we could drop the suffix.

The reason for giving it a version number is that the W3C works with snapshots at the moment.

Anne van Kesteren

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