On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 00:52:33 +0200, Adrian Bateman <adria...@microsoft.com> wrote:
It's harder to participate without understanding the scope of the problems being solved.

Bringing that point up just before publication as a means to block said publication is not helpful. There has been ample opportunity for Microsoft to discuss this.

As I wrote in the separate thread to Art, we prefer a scoped spec where we've agreed which problems we're trying to solve rather than something open ended. "DOM4" seems a bit too unbounded in that context but agreeing on the goals for this spec, be it Core or something else will help answer the questions.

The goals of the specification are listed in the specification. I have clarified them even further hoping it will resolve the stated confusion.


I think there are some good ideas in this spec including some things that will be helpful to developers to have written down. We spent a lot of time while we were building IE9 testing to see which parts of the DOM specs were applicable to the browsable web platform. This is something we will continue to help with though our immediate priority is helping to move DOM L3 Events forward.

Looking forward to your first set of technical feedback.

Anne van Kesteren

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