On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Roland Steiner
<rolandstei...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Expanding on the general web component discussion, one area that hasn't been
> touched on AFAIK is how components fit within the content model of HTML
> elements.
> Take for example a list
> (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/grouping-content.html#the-ul-element):
> <ol> and <ul> have "Zero or more <li> elements" as content model, while <li>
> is specified to only be usable within <ol>, <ul> and <menu>.
> Now it is not inconceivable that someone would like to create a component
> <x-li> that acts as a list item, but expands on it. In order to allow this,
> the content model for <ol>, <ul>, <menu> would need to be changed to
> accomodate this. I can see this happening in a few ways:
> A.) allow elements derived from a certain element to always take their place
> within element content models.
> In this case, only components whose host element is derived from <li> would
> be allowed within <ol>, <ul>, <menu>, whether or not it is rendered (q.v.
> the "Should the shadow host element be rendered?" thread on this ML).
> B.) allow all components within all elements.
> While quite broad, this may be necessary in case the host element isn't
> rendered and perhaps derivation isn't used. Presumably the shadow DOM in
> this case contains one - or even several - <li> elements as topmost elements
> in the tree.
> C.) Just don't allow components to be used in places that have a special
> content model.

I prefer this one, because:

1. It is very simple.

2. It discourages people from using components in cases already handled by HTML.

> Thoughts?
> - Roland

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