On 9/28/11 2:12 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
C.) Just don't allow components to be used in places that have a special
content model.

I prefer this one, because:

1. It is very simple.

2. It discourages people from using components in cases already handled by HTML.

+1 as a first step. We can start with this and see how authors react.
I suspect that without actual running code and people trying things
out, we could be debating this for a very long time :)

We already have authors requesting a way of binding a data-presentation component to a <table>. Which has a special content model.

Also, the "content model" is a bit of a loaded term. It's only about
what browsers actually do. IRL, it's perfectly ok to plop an<li>
element anywhere in your DOM tree. The only special-casing logic that
HTMLLiElement has is to deal with the rendering, as Morrita-san
already pointed out

For <li>, this is correct.

For <table>, you're screwed when using actual markup. Take a look at http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1158 and tell me where the table row and cell went in the DOM, please.

This is not the case for all elements though.


And we won't weed out all edge cases by principled studying. We gotta start 
simple and let
peeps run code! :)

While avoiding design decisions that permanently lock out things we already know people want to do.


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